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Doesn Anyone know how?


Mush! Mush!
pika2000 said:
There is a "Print" key on your keyboard.
Use it and then copy the image into a graphics program.
Uhhh... "Print Screen". Some keyboards do have a "Print" key (I think) and I bet you can guess what it does. ^_^;;


right click on it and click copy, paste it onto paint or something. right click on your desktop, click properties, browse through your pics, select it and click OK


Meteor Trainer
That's for copying images that are already made. You can't make an image of your desktop that way.


Well-Known Member
simply press the print key,in most computer it is above F12.Then open up whatever paint program you have and paste it(ctrl+V).


Mush! Mush!
azurill said:
simply press the print key,in most computer it is above F12.Then open up whatever paint program you have and paste it(ctrl+V).
Now we're just repeating ourselves so I'll repeat myself again - "Print SCREEN".

SC said:
That's for copying images that are already made. You can't make an image of your desktop that way.

Actually, unless they aren't easily accessible on your harddisk, you can find images that way. Unfortunately you have to go browsing for it so I'd go with the Print Screen method. :confused:


Well-Known Member
on laptops its above f12(or at least that's how mine works)

♪Crystal Mew♪

Mr. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
or on laptops like mine its Fn+Insert