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"Dog" Team


Well-Known Member
I thought Arcanine was based of a Tiger wich will make Arcanine a Cat pokémon, since the tiger is in the cat family


Growlithe is definately a dog, and it wouldn't evolve into a cat lol.


Well-Known Member
Cats aren't dogs, and in my opinion eevolutions are more cats than dogs but pokemon is limited to specify dogs.

If you want dogs, here is my best list.

Manetric([Thunderwave,Roar,Thunderbolt,HP Ice/Crunch]=Parashuffler)
Arcanine([Overheat,Return,Mimic,filler]=Sweeperstealer)just made it up. Mimic might allow you to steal attacks from physical sweepers.
Umbreon(you name it)

There ya go.


Well-Known Member
Arcanine is a dog. He is based on the Shishi, an anicent Chinese guard dog who keeps bad spitis away from temples.

... and on topic, Houndoom, Manectric, Granbull and Arcanine. Mightyena is debatable despite it being based on a hyena hybrid.


oblivion weilder
why arent the legenderier beast slash dogs, well dogs, at least entei looks like a dog , but the most dog like has to be mighteena, arcanine i'd say was a cat like the evvevolutons, there arent dogs they are cats, hey if you put groundon on all fours it could be a dog

random guy

<the essence of cool
well if you have like dp you could use lukario he is definatly like a wolf or dog


Blaziken rules!
Mightyena, Arcanine, Ninetales, Granbull, Manetric and Houndoom.


Local psychopath
DEFENATLY ARCANINE! it has canine! does anyone know what a canine is? a DOG! Growlith. GROWL!! Dogs growl! DUH PEOPLE YOU THOUGH ARCANANINE WAS A CAT!?!?!?


The new tuxedo look!
Manetric, houndoom and granbull are very nice dog pokemon.

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
DEFENATLY ARCANINE! it has canine! does anyone know what a canine is? a DOG! Growlith. GROWL!! Dogs growl! DUH PEOPLE YOU THOUGH ARCANANINE WAS A CAT!?!?!?

Yeah, It's called ArCANINE for a reason! Plus, the "Legendary beasts" are actually gerbils. Not dogs or cats, but gerbils.