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"Dog" Team


Tails the Bouyzel
Yeah, It's called ArCANINE for a reason! Plus, the "Legendary beasts" are actually gerbils. Not dogs or cats, but gerbils.

BEASTS! Gerbils was made up to stop the fighting but it DON'T WORK! Its an idiodic idea, they are NOT DOGS THEY ARE BEASTS!!!

And Umbreon is like a black cat morethan a fox.
And Mew is an Embryo/cat hybrid.

And i'm annoyed by all the Doglike Pokes too.... T_T



Tails the Bouyzel
Yeah, It's called ArCANINE for a reason! Plus, the "Legendary beasts" are actually gerbils. Not dogs or cats, but gerbils.

BEASTS! Gerbils was made up to stop the fighting but it DON'T WORK! Its an idiodic idea, they are NOT DOGS THEY ARE BEASTS!!!

And Umbreon is like a black cat morethan a fox.
And Mew is an Embryo/cat hybrid.

And i'm annoyed by all the Doglike Pokes too.... T_T



Why the heck is everyone double posing this is the second thread out of two Ive been on that this has happened
No shizzlemanizzle they arnt gerbils, I was playing along with the joke hence lol.
Oh and if you wernt flaming me Im not flaming you lol
look at Raikou fire red pokedex
Now all three legendary DOGS have been proven dogs


What makes n00bs post dumb questions?

I'd like to point out that...

Suicune, Raikou and Entei are not dogs

... They are legendary beasts, if anyone pays attention.

What makes wiseass n00bs make wiseass remarks?

I'd like to point another thing out...

Suicune, Raikou and Entei may not be dogs, but they sure do resemble dogs!

To think like you do; Mightyena also resembles a wolf alot more. Houndoom has horns, which a REAL DOG doesn't. Ninetales is a fox or a kitsune. I wouldn't count the Eeveelutions as dogs tbh.


Tails the Bouyzel
Entei: Lion
Raikou: Tiger
Suicune: Cheetah/Wolf

Who proved it? You? -_-

Thats like the 50th time I'm posted that Chart...



What makes wiseass n00bs make wiseass remarks?

I'd like to point another thing out...

Suicune, Raikou and Entei may not be dogs, but they sure do resemble dogs!

To think like you do; Mightyena also resembles a wolf alot more. Houndoom has horns, which a REAL DOG doesn't. Ninetales is a fox or a kitsune. I wouldn't count the Eeveelutions as dogs tbh.

What makes n00bs think they know what I think, and what makes them think they know Japanese?

Actually Mightyena resembles a hyena, houndoom does resemble a dog.
Wow did you look up the word Kitsune all on your own well done.
In case you didnt know its Japanese for fox. Not some form of mythalogical godzilla type thing. Though it could be Im no expert on mythology.

Now that I think about it I probably argued that the trio were cats at one point. Though I will not change my mind now. However I do see what you mean about the chart thigamajig.
Dont care whether eevees are dogs or not and Ive also decided I dont care what the TRIO is/are Im getting bored of the argument


Well-Known Member
What makes n00bs think they know what I think, and what makes them think they know Japanese?

Actually Mightyena resembles a hyena, houndoom does resemble a dog.
Wow did you look up the word Kitsune all on your own well done.
In case you didnt know its Japanese for fox. Not some form of mythalogical godzilla type thing. Though it could be Im no expert on mythology.

Now that I think about it I probably argued that the trio were cats at one point. Though I will not change my mind now. However I do see what you mean about the chart thigamajig.
Dont care whether eevees are dogs or not and Ive also decided I dont care what the TRIO is/are Im getting bored of the argument

You are right, we know it. But he won´t listen. People are narrow-minded and like to think the easy way.

If a pokemon has four legs and doesn´t look like a cat it MUST be a dog, right?

Did you read the "if groudon was on four legs he´d be a dog" comment a few pages ago...sheeesh..

The 3 beasts aren´t dogs or cats, they are four legged monsters which resemble an element each. Raikou looks a bit like a sabletooth tiger and Entei like a lion, but they aren´t. They are called "beasts" for a reason.
The discussion of "what" they are has a very long history and it is the best to classify them as neither ;)

A truly dog-pokemon team should only have pokemon which are dogs at first sight.