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Doin' What Comes Natu-rally! (203)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Doin What Comes Natu-rally!

In the next town, Ash & Co. meet up with a trainer who is shy and hides behind masks. However he has an act with his Natu and needs to overcome his shyness to succeed. Can he do this?

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Factory Head Noland

Noddy the Natu! This episode wasn't very good because not much happened really....
But the trainer did do the magic show which was good :)

(I'm like the trainer with shyness!!)


the girl is kinda like me cause i'm shy also....well sometimes,but i don't were a mask to hide my face.
vulpix said:
the girl is kinda like me cause i'm shy also....well sometimes,but i don't were a mask to hide my face.

The shy person is a BOY! lol. It was a very interesting episode but what a lame title pun. Hee used a Wooper mask to cover his face, how funny. Natu is sweet but he shouldn't of been so scared and Natu is cute. :D


Team Awesome
I always love seeing the magickarp salesman. :D It's funny that this is the one and only episode where he doesn't mess up Team Rocket's lineup (apart from the one special he appeared in). I like the part where Jessie grabbed James's ankle to keep from running after the salesman, and Meowth asked why James is floundering like a magickarp. LOL

The kid in this episode was pretty interesting. At least he got more confident as the episode went on. I liked when he was doing his new show and Ash didn't get that he was putting on an act. LOL

Overall, the episode is pretty good.


Well-Known Member
In a season where there were so many pointless fillers, this was just one more. This episode was definitely the cliche filler; random character of the day has a problem, Ash and friends help the kid, Team Rocket interferes, problem is solved while defeating Team Rocket. Not even the Magikarp Salesman could save this episode for me. It's unfortunate that so many episodes were like this one. This was actually the last episode of Pokemon I saw for a long time, because I was so tired of the series by this point. Luckily, Master Quest came along and got me back into it.


Well-Known Member
Good episode I liked how Misty helped out Mckenize, by suggesting he wear a mask to gain confidences, also nice to see the return of the Magikarp salesman nice to see James didn't fall for that same con again.


Well-Known Member
For a filler, it wasn't so bad. The idea was alright, although I was sure it was going to turn out to be a con at the end. And the kid was pretty sweet, what with his confidence issues and stuff. Natu's cool too.

And the Magikarp Salesman is always good to see, but otehr than that it was an average episode.


Well-Known Member
zzz zzz what i'm awake umm yeah


natu's are funny pokemon if you ask me, they look relaxed but also very watchful, it was a good episode^^


Grass Pokemon Expert
I liked this episode. I liked how Misty tried to help Mackenzie with his stagefright. I thought the Wooper mask she had him wear was funny. I think Natu is a pretty cool pokemon, and am glad that Mackenzie's Natu was able to successfully use Future Sight. I wish they would have told Misty's future though. Did anybody else notice how the colors of the clothes the female students kept changing from pink to green?


Mackenzie was very coward and shy....
but he get over this after all, with his Natu, of course