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Dont Forget Caterpie Guys!

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Well-Known Member
hey all the guides i see about ev training..not one of them says about caterpie giving 1hp.. why is he so overlooked... its very viable ingame because u can start at like lvl 3... n he gives 1pt..im currently killin those and meta/kakunas for my MR mime


Well-Known Member
People usually don't EV train ingame. And there are better options if you want to HP EV train.

how can u not train in-game? u take i the pokemon out of the game and go for a walk in the real-life park with it? (just asking, lol)


Well-Known Member
I ev trained my latias and charmander by killing katerpies.


Well-Known Member
btw TEAMKOTTOMOUTH, caterpie is included in this site's guide for EV training as far as i know


Strawberry fields.
But even if there were, who would want to spend time on EV-training a Caterpie? Seriously, you guys need to get it together.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
btw TEAMKOTTOMOUTH, caterpie is included in this site's guide for EV training as far as i know

Hmm... Last time I checked it was Dunsparce...
Or do you mean in the EV section of the Pokedex, that has EVERY SINGLE pokemon included in it?

I don't know why nobody battles Caterpies for hp EVs... perhaps they just think he's too weak, or maybe they don't know he gives EVs to hp? I assume that people overlook training against Caterpies because most people consider him to be weak and neglect him, so that may be why not many people use him for EV training.



Well-Known Member
I did for a while, but its irritating killing so many of them, then flying to Victory Road and beating high level guys so I can finally level up >_>


Well-Known Member
The best is Dunsparce on FR, and Marill (2 EVs) on LG, use the Daycare (or use the switch out method) if your level is not high enough to fight them.

But much easier to trade to XD and fight the first 5 trainers on Mt. Battle Area 9, using the Exp. Share.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hmm... Last time I checked it was Dunsparce...
Or do you mean in the EV section of the Pokedex, that has EVERY SINGLE pokemon included in it?


on the top u can click HP / ATTACK etc, if thats what u mean then yes its what i was referring to.. They are at the top of the guide so i took it for being part of the guide
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