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Don't Go Alone


<- Kawaii ^^
I drew a Manga for everyone to read so, I hope you all will like it! This Manga is about Pokemon of course, but then, I created a new region, new Pokemon and new GYMS etc. I’m not siure if this is allowed so, I hope the mods won’t just close the thread just like that… At least ask me to delete it. And if you find any errors and tips to make this Manga better, please tell, I would appreciate it.

Rated: PG-13

Volume One
Movement One
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15

Movement 2
Page 16

Rinrei and her mum
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That is BEAUTIFUL... But the humor's not very humorous. If that is humor.


<- Kawaii ^^
Oh, arigatou!! I know it doens't have much humor yet XP This Manga is sad, humorous, adventure, action etc. But humor is my problem ^^;;; Humor would come up soon, hopefully XP


Well, your manga, as we speak, has improved a lot from the first time you showed me your original one! I say this one is much more better and almost looks like a real manga! XD

Keep up the good work! XD


Kauser il più grande
The only problem I can spot is that in page one, the dragon should say 'Your' instead of 'You'. Other than that, it's beautiful!


Looks Great !! Even better than last time . Keep it up !!!!


Well-Known Member
^That has already been said.

It's better than your last one, and looks very authentic. I wonder what's going to happen next...?



<- Kawaii ^^
Wow, I'm so happy with the reviews ^^ It encourages me to draw more so, here's a new page!!
Page 2
But I can't really use that scanner of mine... Since my sister said it's broken 0.0 *Sigh* And thanks for telling me about the You and Your mistake, I changed that too. Too tell you all the truth, I hate dthe old one, it's not inked, drawings are bad and just too....... NVM...
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It's still really really good! But what I like most is the handwriting, I wish I could write like that!
You is your again, though (this time for page 2)


<- Kawaii ^^
Gah!! I'm so careless on that!! >_< I better change it now!! And the writing isn't mine, it's from the computer ^^;; Too bad I can't write like that myself.


Ok I want to give a decent review, I'll try my best...

I'm glad that you practiced from the last time it came out, I did like it back then a bit though. So far the plot seems very interesting, and it is keeping my interest up, since I'm a fantasy freak. The artwork is pretty good, and I really like that dragon-like creature, though we can only see a few parts of it it still looks amazing! And if you inked ALL of those lines and curves I'd most likely break my jaw from gaping, pens never did work with me... There is no humor yet, but I think it'll come up eventually, right? The backgrounds and expressions are amazing as well, and give more feeling to the characters.

We all miss-spell words sometimes, so that's ok. I thought that the 'Dragon' was taking the mother there though... Well I'm not sure, that's the only part that confuses me.

Well all in all, this is turning out nicely, and I'll wait patiently for every page. Do your best! (That was alot to say...)
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Rinrei said:
Wow, I'm so happy with the reviews ^^ It encourages me to draw more so, here's a new page!!
Page 2
But I can't really use that scanner of mine... Since my sister said it's broken 0.0 *Sigh* And thanks for telling me about the You and Your mistake, I changed that too. Too tell you all the truth, I hate dthe old one, it's not inked, drawings are bad and just too....... NVM...

o_O;;; Well, anyways, another update! Wee! It's soo... touching, you know? Can't wait for the next update! Hope you get better at drawing and inking! XD

Nicole May

Meh... whatever...
Well, it's a really nice manga you know... the inking makes the comic a real manga and the plot, just by looking at the first two pages, it seems to be a tragedy... but I hope to see the funny parts too!

Keep it up! XD


used Metronome!
It's pretty well drawn, and is interesting enough to hold the attention of the reader, at least for these two pages. It's entertaining so far, and I think you did a good job. It almost looks professional. My one suggestion is that you make the color of the font match the color of your ink. It'd be really easy in paint. Just use the eyedropper tool, and then the font will fit in better with the pages.



<- Kawaii ^^
Thank you all so much. So, here's Page 3 ^^ Oh yeah... If you're under 13 and can't take violence, DON'T READ THE LAST PANEL!! Ah,w ell, who cares ^^;; Updates will continue of course, since my scanner is fixed already. Enjoy!
AH! A typos X_x Not again!! I better fix it!
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It's still so prettyful :) You spelt farewell wrong, just thought you might like to know. I like this comic.


Rinrei said:
Thank you all so much. So, here's Page 3 ^^ Oh yeah... If you're under 13 and can't take violence, DON'T READ THE LAST PANEL!! Ah,w ell, who cares ^^;; Updates will continue of course, since my scanner is fixed already. Enjoy!
AH! A typos X_x Not again!! I better fix it!

XD Well, I wouldn't say XD on this one... the third page is really.... o_O;;;;;;

So much drama on the first three pages! ^_^;;; I hope to see osme humor next by then! XD