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Doodle #20


Salingerian Phony
Hi, guys. I guess before I post some of the artwork I spend more time on, I should start with something actually related to Pokémon. Here's what I draw when I'm bored in a lecture:


As the title says, this is simply a doodle. You see, my hands are restless; I get uncomfortable if they aren't constantly moving. When the professor starts telling a life story or elaborates on something I already know, I get myself time from taking notes to doodle. This one is from my anthropology class last week.

The medium is, of course, the pen that I use to take notes. Like all doodles, it's a requirement that I finish this quickly; through the 1 hour 45 minutes of lecturing, I found time to draw this AND a bottle of vinegar!

Why did I pick Corsola? Well, it's very overlooked and forgotten, and I always like to challenge myself by anthropomorphizing creatures not easy to anthropomorphize. (I've gone beyond mammals, reptiles, and birds--looks like I'm handling cnidarians now.) And yes, I forgot the horn. You don't have to tell me this. I didn't have a picture of Corsola handy during class.

Pick it apart as much as you like. I probably won't be tweaking this in any way, since it was completely hand-drawn using an irreversible medium; I don't have any plans to digitize this; and really, I have a don't-look-back approach to what I draw. What I find wrong with what I do is applied to whatever is the next thing I draw.

Also, a question: I see a section of this board devoted to comics. Would really long stories told through comics qualify for that? And by "long" I mean the likes of 68 pages or more? They don't have to relate to Pokémon at all either, right? It's part of my own series. (By the way, 68 pages is the shortest one. The one I'm working on will likely break 100.)

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Wow... That is really good, actually. Even for a class doodle it actually looks kinda proffesional. Good job!


Salingerian Phony
Thanks. I was going to say that the reason why you're not seeing doodles 1-19 is because they cover pretty much everything, and, well, a doodle is a doodle, and I usually don't give them titles. I just number the ones I choose to scan in the order I scanned them in.

Is the fact that it's on lined paper bothersome?

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Whoop, way late reply, umm, no, it's not bothersome, it's just great! :)


i really love the incorperation of corsola's coral (if that's what it is)!
your style is very nice, too. cartoony = love.

great job. cant' wait to see more