As we all know, School can be, well, boring at times, especially at study hall. Sometimes I have nothing to do, so what else better to do that to draw my favorite things in the world: Pokemon! WooooHooo! Anyways, these are just very rough sketches. Occasionally, I will draw something extremely high quality. Others will take about 10 minutes. Coloring usually messes me up, so the will almost always be heavily shaded.
Magikarp's Rage
Gyarados, Intense (Half above water, Half below)
Jynx+Dark Stone+Dislike Trainer+Midnight=This
Ghost/Water Fishes
I will post more of my higher quality pictures when I decide that I want to take the time to make them. CC is appreciated, I want to be able to improve my sketching skills (HAH, no0b.)
As we all know, School can be, well, boring at times, especially at study hall. Sometimes I have nothing to do, so what else better to do that to draw my favorite things in the world: Pokemon! WooooHooo! Anyways, these are just very rough sketches. Occasionally, I will draw something extremely high quality. Others will take about 10 minutes. Coloring usually messes me up, so the will almost always be heavily shaded.
Magikarp's Rage
Gyarados, Intense (Half above water, Half below)
Jynx+Dark Stone+Dislike Trainer+Midnight=This
Ghost/Water Fishes
I will post more of my higher quality pictures when I decide that I want to take the time to make them. CC is appreciated, I want to be able to improve my sketching skills (HAH, no0b.)
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