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<<The Best
are those red things its eyes?


Well-Known Member
Couldnt you have asked this in the $th gen pokemon discussion istead of creating a new thread that takes up space?

Maestro Kinético

Well-Known Member
I think that the blue things are its eyes, the red things are its chicks.I hate Dootakun, it looks like a mere object.


Well-Known Member
I was confused too when I saw Dootakun's Ken Sugimori art. But I'm pretty sure those red circles are it's eyes.

Evil Monkey

Breeding Master
God I hate Dootakun. One of the sadly large amount of hideously ugly D/P pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I also like Dootakun. It reminds me of Claydol... :p


Veteran smartass
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Thank you, SPPf! :)
And Voltorb and Chimecho and...oh, I could go on forever.

I'm confused as to how Dootakun's "arms" move.


I actually like Dootakun. Admittedly its generally blue color scale is largely unoriginal (second Steel/Psychic evolution line that is mainly that tone of blue), but hell, still.

Korobooshi Kojiro

The only thing that I likened it too when I first saw was a Zelda Boss, particularly that Aztec Statue in Wind Waker, who has the same color scheme.


[Witty Title]
heh, i luff the pic, it's all like "gimme a BIG hug" lol.I hate it's pre-evo coz it's so common with in game trainers and ALWAYS puts you to sleep then confuses you.I'm gonna make and anti-whateveritspreevoiscalled ray.


I like it its a unique pokemon kind of reminds me of a Claydol/Metagross but its cool all pokemon dont have to look good looking and if they were they probley wouldnt even be called pokemon they would probley be called Cutesymon or something.
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