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yeah =)
the perfect counterpart for it
but they could make the sprite better-looking...i really couldnt imagine how it looks before i didnt read its classification
its sugirmori art is awesome =O
EDIT:before someone asks where to find it: http://www.serebiiforums.com/images/avatars/sugimori/dootakun.png
I actually like Dootakun. Admittedly its generally blue color scale is largely unoriginal (second Steel/Psychic evolution line that is mainly that tone of blue), but hell, still.
heh, i luff the pic, it's all like "gimme a BIG hug" lol.I hate it's pre-evo coz it's so common with in game trainers and ALWAYS puts you to sleep then confuses you.I'm gonna make and anti-whateveritspreevoiscalled ray.
I like it its a unique pokemon kind of reminds me of a Claydol/Metagross but its cool all pokemon dont have to look good looking and if they were they probley wouldnt even be called pokemon they would probley be called Cutesymon or something.