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Dotterel, Nescient, Colloquium-Goers Can't Stop The Nacre/Semi-UU


Well-Known Member
Porygon2 (_) @ Leftovers ** PorygonZ
Trait: Trace
EVs: 228 HP/174 Def/108 Spatk
- Thundbolt
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Skarmory (M) @ Leftovers ** FlyingLucario
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP/58 Atk/200 Def
- Spikes
- Subsitute
- HP Flying
- Whirlwind

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers ** Megayanma
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 224 HP/252 Def/16 Spd/18 SPdef
- Aromatherapy
- Softboiled
- Seismic Toss
- Toxic

Magmar (M) @ Petaya ** Buuburn
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 252 Spatk/252 Spd/6 Spdef
- Fire Blast
- Endure
- Thunderpunch
- HP Grass

Electabuzz (M) @ Leftovers ** Elekible
Trait: Static
EVs: 100 Atk/158 Spd/252 Spatk
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Punch
- Hidden Power Grass
- Cross Chop

Rhydon (M) @ Leftovers ** Dosaidon
Trait: Lightning Rod
EVs: 212 HP/176 Spd/122 Atk
- Earthquake
- Focus Punch
- Rock Blast
- Subsitute

Spikes help out the ol' fire and electric duo up there.'Nuff said.
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prophecy fulfilled
1 - porygon2 evs are retarded
2 - bold porygon2
3 - toxic > wave, you have wave bliss
4 - not enough defence on skarm, too much attack/speed
5 - endure/fire blast/hp grass/thunderunch magmar is it's best set @ petaya
6 - ^ seriously
7 - cross chop/thunderbolt/hp grass/ice punch electabuzz
8 - swords dance/eq/rock slide/megahorn rhydon
9 - sub rhydon is pointless, unless you outspeed weezing and use focus punch with it, as milotic will just lol at your sub anyway


Well-Known Member
1 - porygon2 evs are retarded
2 - bold porygon2
3 - toxic > wave, you have wave bliss
4 - not enough defence on skarm, too much attack/speed
5 - endure/fire blast/hp grass/thunderunch magmar is it's best set @ petaya
6 - ^ seriously
7 - cross chop/thunderbolt/hp grass/ice punch electabuzz
8 - swords dance/eq/rock slide/megahorn rhydon
9 - sub rhydon is pointless, unless you outspeed weezing and use focus punch with it, as milotic will just lol at your sub anyway

1:Tradtional evs. I just know what I read.
2:Aw,but with modest he has useable special attack.
3:Thats what I'm using, I just didn't update =D
4:It needs more defense?
9:It does outspeed Weezing.I guess FP is better on a sub dude, I just like what Megahorn covered. Plus its a cool attack. Pishaw they say about Focus Punch, but ohh and awwe they do about Megahorn.

Aw man,what happened to some of my posted EVs. I don't wanna do 'em againnn.


prophecy fulfilled
270 satk is all p2 needs and it gets that easily with a neutral nature.

400 defence+ is the norm on skarm
252 HP.
~400 Def.
Rest in SDef.

all you'll ever need.

Drill peck is only there to counter Heracross.
every other physical Pokemon will run off after being walled and swap in a special sweeper.

bar Medicham, who 2HKO's it.
to what?

last time I checked, skarmrory was used to lay down spikes. Not damage.
and at the end of the day, if you lead with drill peck, magneton gets a free switch, and'll go "LOLZ NOOOB".


prophecy fulfilled
the difference between 385 def and 400 def is down to whether you want to lose to stab rock slides or not
The Standard or "norm" is standard for a reason ffs.
Evs on Skarm should always be pretty much the same unless you are running CB skarm - which is rare, but the most fun I'd ever had xd