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DP 13 Title!

Korobooshi Kojiro

Found on Bulbagarden:


"Contest Battle! Rival Confrontation!!"

Anyway, we will meet Hikari's Rival obviously, and her Korobooshi!



Yeah, ok!
So the Contest is a 2-parter, and red-headed-butch-looking rival girl will debut.

I can't wait to find out her name.


Well-Known Member
Ok...but i doubt she will have a Koorobooshi. Man, you are obssessed with that pokemon arent you, ''Habunake''?


Turnabout Pokemon
AWESOMENESS. We're finally going to see Hikari's rival.

Also, it's very cool that Hikari seems to be getting more episodes recently. The spotlight seems to be split quite nicely between the two main protagonists in this series. I'm just hoping that the Contests aren't too much like May's, which they very well might be. ::Crosses fingers::


Well-Known Member
Anyway, we will meet Hikari's Rival obviously, and her Korobooshi!

Yeah, and she will face off against May and her Glacia in the final part of the contest =0


Yeah, ok!
Also, it's very cool that Hikari seems to be getting more episodes recently. The spotlight seems to be split quite nicely between the two main protagonists in this series.

Yep. I just laugh at the people who thought bringing the group down into a trio would help Brock, because the guy still doesn't have any spotlight despite Max not being around anymore.

The Greggle episode didn't even focus on Brock, which is very amusing.

I'm just hoping that the Contests aren't too much like May's, which they very well might be. ::Crosses fingers::

I'm betting they're exactly the same, which is funny because there were people desperately assuming the dancing would be kept without any evidence thus far.


Emperor Coordinator
Cool. I guess this means she will move past the appeal round?


Contaminated KFC
I bet Shimura will be working on this one, like the fiendish vulture she is.

I'd like it if Yuri lost to Hikari. We always see rivals that are stronger than the protagonist at first (well, if you choose to ignore Harley I guess), so I'd like them to change things around a little. Have Yuri as the weaker half of the rivalry, while Hikari is always one step ahead of her. Later in the series they could build up Yuri's coordinating skills and have her completely shock our heroine in a contest battle.
In a perfect world, Hikari would rub the loss in Yuri's face. But judging from her current...um...personallity, I'm afraid this is little more than a pipe dream, spawned from the mind of a guy desperate to see tons of negativity in a poorly animated child's cartoon.
So Hikari coming out on top against a rival who acts tough but has no idea what the hell she's doing would keep that guy content.

And yes. I am aware that 'Yuri' isn't the fine young ladies' name. Sorry smartass, today is not your day!

And as a final side-note, I hope Roserade makes an appearence. Because it just isn't a contest quest without the occassional rose petal or two.


Yeah, ok!
Thank god, the contest is a 2-parter.

Which means Hikari is going to either lose more Contests than May or there will be less Contest episodes in D/P.

May didn't even win her first ribbon until like 45+ episodes into AG, and Hikari is already at her first Contest within the first 15 episodes.

It's really odd how they're pacing this compared to the Contest episodes in Hoenn.

Makes me wonder if Hikari will lose 3 or more Contests this region so she doesn't get her ribbons too quickly.
Which means Hikari is going to either lose more Contests than May or there will be less Contest episodes in D/P.

May didn't even win her first ribbon until like 45+ episodes into AG, and Hikari is already at her first Contest within the first 15 episodes.

It's really odd how they're pacing this compared to the Contest episodes in Hoenn.

Makes me wonder if Hikari will lose 3 or more Contests this region so she doesn't get her ribbons too quickly.

Losing (or rather, somebody better winning) is always fun to watch.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Not surprised one bit at this being a two-parter, since you also have to factor in the whole Aipom sub-plot in DP 11, which may continue into this episode ala Swellow in Lilycove. And that's on top of the whole rival introduction.


Well-Known Member
It's really odd how they're pacing this compared to the Contest episodes in Hoenn.

I've said it before, but I hardly think an informed judgement can be made about the pacing of this series after only a dozen episodes.


Turnabout Pokemon
I'm betting they're exactly the same, which is funny because there were people desperately assuming the dancing would be kept without any evidence thus far.

Yeah, it appears to be just regular contests so far (except that the coordinators dress up apparently). It seems that the dancing isn't really included, despite being a part of the Super Contests in Diamond/Pearl. I'm guessing that the only way it can be introduced is if one of the Contest Halls later on include that round... but I doubt it. Not that I'm all too fond of the dance part, but it would make it at least somewhat different to the events held in May's Contests.

Despite the writers being all for advertising, they sure do miss out on really showing how this particular event actually works in the games themselves.

I'd like it if Yuri lost to Hikari. We always see rivals that are stronger than the protagonist at first (well, if you choose to ignore Harley I guess), so I'd like them to change things around a little. Have Yuri as the weaker half of the rivalry, while Hikari is always one step ahead of her. Later in the series they could build up Yuri's coordinating skills and have her completely shock our heroine in a contest battle.
In a perfect world, Hikari would rub the loss in Yuri's face. But judging from her current...um...personallity, I'm afraid this is little more than a pipe dream, spawned from the mind of a guy desperate to see tons of negativity in a poorly animated child's cartoon.

I agree. It would be much more interesting to see that sort of storyline unfold. That would make for some interesting development for the rival, especially since Hikari seems to be experienced in the inner workings of Contests already.


Damn, there goes my "Hikari doesn't get past the appeals round" idea. Bah.

I'd like it if Yuri lost to Hikari. We always see rivals that are stronger than the protagonist at first (well, if you choose to ignore Harley I guess), so I'd like them to change things around a little. Have Yuri as the weaker half of the rivalry, while Hikari is always one step ahead of her. Later in the series they could build up Yuri's coordinating skills and have her completely shock our heroine in a contest battle.
Before I respond, let me say this. "WHAT? NO COMBUSKEN AVATAR?! ;;" Now then...I agree, and I actually have a glimmer of hope that the writers can do something different with a rival thanks to Shinji(the closest a rival's gotten to being his level of jerk is Gary, and even THEN...so yeah, Shinji proves that the writers are capable of not churning out cookie-cutter rivals(I'd say that Harley did too, but he's not a product of DP now is he?)), and the rival doesn't give off any "I'm better than the main chara I'm rivaling" aura, AND Hikari seems to have a good knowledge of contests from the get-go(due to the whole, you know, GRAND FESTIVAL WINNING mom thing combined with a touch of "let's not go through the newb coordinator mistakes again"...or deus ex machina, depending on how you look at it), and they can even give her a unique personality, and considering all that suggests that this is possible...Rothaaremaedchen(as I'll now call her) will be a goody-goody rival who starts off better than Hikari but recieves her commuppance at the Grand Festival. :p
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Ash fan girl! Cute!
I can't wait to see Hikari's rival. I wonder how the interaction will be between Hikari/rival/Ash I wonder what her name will be...Yuri is a fake name so guess will have to wait and see.