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DP legendaries

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I'm just wondering if Darkrai, Sheimi, and Aruseus are legendaries. I think tehy are but a friend doesn't. Their at the end of the pokedex so doesn't that mean their legendaries? Please tell if their legendaries or not. Thanks!
I'm not sure about Darkrai or Sheimi, but I'm pretty certain that Aruseus is a legendary. I mean, you can only get it once, like any other legendary. And so far it's thought that Darkrai and Sheimi are event pokemon so I assume they'd be legenaries too.


Ooh, maaaan!
Darkrai and Sheimi are those freaky event Pokémon that come once in a lifetime. Haven't you read the Discovery Thread?
its 99% certain they are legendary


Dragonite et al came AFTER the legendary birds

and Tyranitar et al came after the legendary dogs

so while its almost certain that they are legendary, you must be aware 8)


Ok now that Serebii updated the legendaries section, I now know they are legendaries.
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