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dp pokemon cards


Cool. it explains the new stuff

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
It sucks that there are no Poke'mon-ex at all after Dragon Frontiers. I hope they make more someday.
What gave you idea that Pokémon-ex were being ended? There's nothing been confirmed yet, there won't be until tomorrow, when the set's officially released, so we won't know until then.


Well-Known Member
What gave you idea that Pokémon-ex were being ended? There's nothing been confirmed yet, there won't be until tomorrow, when the set's officially released, so we won't know until then.

It just seems logical that they won't be around anymore given the introduction of these pokemon "lv. X"... they seem to have been replaced.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Yeah, now I'm almost certain Pokémon-ex and possibly Pokémon-* are being replaced with Pokémon Lv.X. Oh, well. I'm gonna miss them...:(

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
also from pokebeach is this.
it is the deck lists. there are 3 decks, each with a specific starter.
the deck combinations are

grass/fighting: grass starter chain
fire/electric: fire starter chain
water/psychic: water starter chain

each deck has a stage 2 of the starter pokemon which is cool.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
on another topic there are now basic dark and metal energy, but if a card mentions dark or metal energy, both the new and special energy, count as requirements. this is good because now i can have 59 dark energy in a deck!!! sweeet!!!


Go Scizors!!!!!!!!:)
Well I have a question, why doesn't Serebii update with any more card scans??? Anyways Ex Dragon Frontiers isn't the last set. Ex Power Keepers will be last! ;444; ;249-d;

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's a topic on EX Power Keepers not far below this one.

Danny - two words for ya. Charizard star. THAT will be deadly.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
I think he'll be wanting to concentrate on Diamond and Pearl for now, as well as Mystery Dungeon and Ranger. I'm sure he'll get round to the TCG sometime. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry for sounding naive, but I'm curious how long it takes for singles to be put up for sale after a set is released in Japan. I really need a particular card for something and am very keen to get it ASAP.