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Smogon still says it's OU... :/ and i'm trying to make it on my own... thanks though... |D Still doing my uber boring cuban missile crisis related project, but hopefully i'll be done soon and able to battle. Done with the photo finding, and the paper. now i just have to print photos, and make a posterboard... >_> i hate posterboards... everyone is all like "Be creative and HAVE FUN!" and i'm like "Oh crap another posterboard... i hate these... >_>" if i ever became a teacher, i'd become a history teacher, and all my projects would just be papers. NO presenting and NO posterboards.

EDIT: Lol when i finally DO get around to battling, BEWARE MY WALL. It is amazing as far as i have found... XP It felled 2 of kabz's pokes... (although he still beat me... >_> not the point...) It's a wall, yet it still manages to hold it's ground well enough to DESTROY!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem* lol
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^you still have a hard time letting other people help you then?...well, ok I need to breed a modest roselia for someone anyone


Yes. I do. If i let other people do it all, i wouldn't be winning off my own strategy, own pokemon, own stuff. :p lol believe me, plenty of people have offered to help... i turn down as many as possible unless the difference is negligible, or i simply can't get a certain thing on my own. (aka, they're offering a tm i need, or something like that.) :) it's my mindset, and it ain't about to change... lol i can't believe i just used "ain't" |D does anyone need a moveset? (lol i'm on the verge of slacking off even though the project is due tomorrow...)
Well, if I bred it for you, the difference would be neligble, seeing is how you'd still be the one training it and ev'ing it, as well as deciding what moves it would know...the only difference would be that the one I bred would probably be better than one you would breed


-.- still gonna try myself at least before going to someone else for help... |D almost done with ma project (thank any and whatever gods may happen to be out there... ^^;...) so... soon to be battling away... if anyone wants to... not quite yet, but floating between the project and the forum, and i'll definitely say so when i'm able to battle. ;)

EDIT: I am now able to battle... sadly i have to go in an hour, but VM me if you wanna battle and if it's too late for me, i'll try to make it happen tomorrow. ;) thanks. ~Hiro
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Fierce Kanto King
Hmmm....everything seems to be in order here, Hiro good job and to the new members and also others from Delirium welcome, and to let you all know the shop is now up. Calarus


Fierce Kanto King
The Shop

What is the shop?

It is on the first page, it is where you can trade your clan credits for the shop pokemon. There is only a handful at the moment but more will be added later this week.
It is on the first page, it is where you can trade your clan credits for the shop pokemon. There is only a handful at the moment but more will be added later this week.

Sweet, is donating pokemon the only way to get points?


Fierce Kanto King

Sweet, is donating pokemon the only way to get points?

No not at all lol, I will have the different ways of getting credits so no need to worry Gonzo. And to everyone else the credits page will be put up tomorrow night to know how much credits you all have at the moment.
No not at all lol, I will have the different ways of getting credits so no need to worry Gonzo. And to everyone else the credits page will be put up tomorrow night to know how much credits you all have at the moment.

Okay, sounds good!
Can't wait


Grass Trainer
Well its great to see this clans starting well. Ive only got internet access for a while, as im at my aunts house. Anyways, welcome to 11tjcoulombe, Gonzo and kacqn. I will be updating the members list now. Hopefully we'll be much more active on the weekends. Im not setting much of a great example lol, but i have no choice. OK, cal, make sure that you give joining credits to our new members, Hiro__, jus keep doin what ur doin. And as I now have the ability to clone, all members get a free poke from the shop. So choose wisely. As for the fun starting, I actually might create a mini tourny on friday. Hopefully we may have 8 members by then, if not ... oh wel lol. Its all about having fun anyways.
I may post again before friday, but im not certain.
I would just like to give a BIG thanks to my coleaders Calarus and Hiro__ for the time that they are putting into this clan. Unfortunately I cant be very active atm, so we shud all thank Cal and Hiro__, this clan would not be up right now if it wasnt for them.

PS, I want EVERYONE to vm anyone they dont know in this clan, just so you can get to know them, and asking for a battle could be even better. As for me, Im gonna try to get to know all of those in my clan on friday. Have Fun Guys!!!
Also I would like to see our userbars being used. Aroma rank may not be what you desire, but it motivates you to go up lol. If you dont know how to put it in your sig, kindly ask Calarus or Hiro :D

lol another PS, Hiro__, for ur first post, i would like you to list clan jobs. Thats going to be your department;). I can think of chainers, iv breeders, ev trainers, + whatever you can think off. Note to all, if you decide to take on a job, you MUST be committed to it, otherwise dont take the job. Obviously you will get good things in return from others, or credits from the leaders.
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I know I'm a ev trainer, and I'm pretty sure gonzo will be too, and i can do some breeding

Edit: cal, would I be able to get that horsea...it fits in very nicely with my planned team
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lol okay kabz. You can count on me! T^T (thankfully that doesn't sound too difficult... lol) i'm on for a while as i have no hw, so just VM me and i'll battle... :3 and... lessee... i'll put up the jobs, and i just need a confirmation from gonzo on the EV training stuff... Hm... maybe someone could be a berry collector/grower for all the berries that fit into battling strategies? Lol and of course the EV reducing berries... does that sound like a good job option? Just throwing around ideas. If you have an idea, and i don't have it up, vm me please about it. :3 ~Hiro
I know I'm a ev trainer, and I'm pretty sure gonzo will be too, and i can do some breeding

lol okay kabz. You can count on me! T^T (thankfully that doesn't sound too difficult... lol) i'm on for a while as i have no hw, so just VM me and i'll battle... :3 and... lessee... i'll put up the jobs, and i just need a confirmation from gonzo on the EV training stuff... Hm... maybe someone could be a berry collector/grower for all the berries that fit into battling strategies? Lol and of course the EV reducing berries... does that sound like a good job option? Just throwing around ideas. If you have an idea, and i don't have it up, vm me please about it. :3 ~Hiro

Yeah,i'll EV train. Just broke one of my records, 2 EV trained pokemon in under 2 hours :) im so proud.

And those are great job ideas.


Okay! So... 2 EV trainers, and a breeder, and then kabz is probably okay with banner making and cloning but i thought i'd just put 'em up anyway. So we need: A berry grower, and item collector, and a chainer. :p The first grows berries necessary for comp battling, and they are added to the shop, and the collector gets items necessary for comp battling which are also added to the shop... Cal, i'd appreciate it if you'd figure out how to pay people for the collecting and growing pls. :3


@ Thomas: You already have 2 jobs... It's good that you want to contribute to the clan but... is that kinda overdoing it? I suppose while we're short of members it'll be okay, but when we get bigger, other members might have to pony up the plate, and share the workload... what i'm saying is, just don't over commit yourself.

@ Gonzo: Lord! Workaholics have joined the guild! XD although i suppose the item collecting and berry growing could be collective positions of everyone, and for every like, 5 or so of a specific berry donated or something you could get a credit or something... i'll let cal figure out the specifics of the payment system though.
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