Smogon still says it's OU... :/ and i'm trying to make it on my own... thanks though... |D Still doing my uber boring cuban missile crisis related project, but hopefully i'll be done soon and able to battle. Done with the photo finding, and the paper. now i just have to print photos, and make a posterboard... >_> i hate posterboards... everyone is all like "Be creative and HAVE FUN!" and i'm like "Oh crap another posterboard... i hate these... >_>" if i ever became a teacher, i'd become a history teacher, and all my projects would just be papers. NO presenting and NO posterboards.
EDIT: Lol when i finally DO get around to battling, BEWARE MY WALL. It is amazing as far as i have found... XP It felled 2 of kabz's pokes... (although he still beat me... >_> not the point...) It's a wall, yet it still manages to hold it's ground well enough to DESTROY!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem* lol
EDIT: Lol when i finally DO get around to battling, BEWARE MY WALL. It is amazing as far as i have found... XP It felled 2 of kabz's pokes... (although he still beat me... >_> not the point...) It's a wall, yet it still manages to hold it's ground well enough to DESTROY!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem* lol
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