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Dragon Master Hunter's Trainer Card Request Shop

  • Thread starter Dragon Master Hunter
  • Start date

Dragon Master Hunter

DMH's Coordinator and Trainer Card Shop

Welcome to my Trainer Card Request Shop!!!

I made this shop to use my skills to make trainer cards for people and I will get better do not worry. I do have backgrounds you guys so yeah here it goes with the background thing and yes I do have a bunch of them. So yeah here it goes, Welcome and start requesting

I can know do Coordinator Cards as well

A few Examples of Cards I have done:

First Card (Improved Card):


Friends Card:


Ok Requests are now open, and so start Requesting.

Form for Requesting Trainers Cards and Double Battle Trainer Cards:

Trainer Sprites:
Badges (You can have all three if you want and you can have the Orange Island Badges):
Favorite Type(s) Up to Four)
Pokemon Behind Trainers:
ID No. (Optional):

Cards That have been made for me by other people:

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/ricktc.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/ricktc2.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/trainercard1.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/trainercard2.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/trainercard3.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/trainercard4.JPG

Thanx to Snagger Outlaw for these Trainer Cards!!!

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/stc21fl.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/DMHstc0xi.JPG

Thanx to Dark Latios and his gang for these two Trainer Cards!!!


http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/forest14vn.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/mtember.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/pokemontower4xz.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/powerplant2da.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/rockethideout2ko.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/rocktunnel1uk.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/ruins9by.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/safariecard0sn.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/sliphco0rr.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/template1.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/Template 1.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/Template 3.JPG

My Templates!!!

Templates I am borrowing:

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/XanaTC.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/Space.JPG

http://www.miamihost.net/ims/u/Dragonmaster/My Folder/Fire.JPG

Thanx to Blood Vampire for these three templates!!!

Here are some more templates I have:


There you go all the templates I have

If you want the pokemon I have here is the site:​

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Chris Li

Save as PNGs. Don't ever save as a jpg. It ruins the quality. To save as a PNG, put .png at the end of it.


Can i have one with a main character with a mountin backround with Rayquaza,Kyogre,Mewtwo,Charizard,Zapdos,and Tyranitar plz? (My team from Fire Red) with My name Zidaine?

Dragon Master Hunter

Sure thing, and I will start on it right know
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Dragon Master Hunter

Hey Guys I have Backgrounds, will post them later though in main post they are from Fire Red/Leaf Green



Can i have a trainer card please

Name: Ged

Sprite of Guy of Fire Red

Pokemon: Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur. Pidgeotto & Butterfree

Badges: 8 Kanto

Background: Mountains

Dragon Master Hunter

Hoodwink said:
Can i have a trainer card please

Name: Ged

Sprite of Guy of Fire Red

Pokemon: Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur. Pidgeotto & Butterfree

Badges: 8 Kanto

Background: Mountains

You got it coming right up


I'll take one! :)

Name: pokéfan
Team: Blastoise, Gyarados, Togetic, Vaporion, Starmie, Lanturn
Trainer Sprites: One that looks like Ash or Fire Fed guy.
Badges: All the water badges and Ice Badges, and if there is room for one more, I'd like the badge that looks like a heart.
Favorite Type: Water
Pokemon Behind Trainers: Blastoise

Thanks! ;130;

Dragon Master Hunter

pokéfan176 said:
I'll take one! :)

Name: pokéfan
Team: Blastoise, Gyarados, Togetic, Vaporion, Starmie, Lanturn
Trainer Sprites: One that looks like Ash or Fire Fed guy.
Badges: All the water badges and Ice Badges, and if there is room for one more, I'd like the badge that looks like a heart.
Favorite Type: Water
Pokemon Behind Trainers: Blastoise

Thanks! ;130;

You got it and I will choose the Template for you and which badge set you will get
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can i have one the same as befor but with the 2 sets of pkmn and all 3 sets of badges and my second set of pokemon Dragonite Tyranitar Charizard Salamence garydos and pikachu?