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dragonite/focus punch question.

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I apologize if i posted this in the wrong forum, but i'm kinda new to pokemon, and im raising a dragonite. Will focus punch successfully hit a pokemon who hit dragonite, in other words, will the inner focus prevent the flinch?


Well-Known Member
That's why Focus Punch is often preceded with another move to prevent the user from taking damage, such as Substitute or a Sleep move. And with Dragonite's speed, Focus Punch won't work too well on it in-game. Focus Punch works best on a slow Pokemon like Snorlax or Kecleon (who, BTW, naturally learns Substitute).
This question has been answered.


but a good MS for Dragonite ingame is:
-Dragon Dance
-Aerial Ace/Wing Attack (WA if you can't get AA)
-Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Dragon Claw (Thunderbolt is the best choice imo.)

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