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*~Dragoons, The Channel To Your Desires~* v.2

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Binky-boo! <3
(Sorry, FL, but I'm not so sure this Club is even active anymore. =/ I could always go bother Serb or Alkal, but it's really my fault the RP has slowed down... I'm just really not interested in serious RPing anymore.)

~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~

((Topaz leads Danzi out the door, and follows the path to the nearby volcano. Danzi gets exited and accidently sets a tree on fire. He panics and flaps his wings to put out the fire but discovers that doing that makes it worse. The fire is spreading!))


((Happy New Year! Hey everybody! Guess who's back in action!
Brio: Hey guys! Nice to see you all again!
Blue Fire: It's Crystallugia and Company!
Me: *hugs everyone to death* My parents are letting me come back! yay! *all three toss out plushies and candy*))
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Omega Warrior

Crystallugia said:
((Happy New Year! Hey everybody! Guess who's back in action!
Brio: Hey guys! Nice to see you all again!
Blue Fire: It's Crystallugia and Company!
Me: *hugs everyone to death* My parents are letting me come back! yay! *all three toss out plushies and candy*))

My beloved Lugia! You have returned!


((Hard to believe, isn't it? I almost couldn't believe it myself))


Binky-boo! <3
(8D Crystallugia! Ze OMG! *pounces and huggletacklesquoozes*

Unfortunately... You haven't returned to much. ^^; This club is basically dead.)


(*gets huggletacklesquoozed* Well, as long as there are active members we can keep this place alive. I'm not planning on leaving any time soon. ^.^)


Binky-boo! <3
(Active... Yeah. ^^; That's not me. Serb and Alkal were just waiting for me to post... But I'm really not that much into serious RPs anymore. =/)

Forbidden Lugia

((Hello. Yes, I haven't been very faithful lately, but I thought this club was "dead" too, so I didn't really check. ^^ And besides, like Lilbluecorsola, I wasn't really into posting anymore.
Hello, Crystallugia. My name is...nevermind...oh forget it! Me name's Forbidden Lugia! *hugs enthusiatically, then shakes hand rapidly* I've heard a lot about 'cha. Glad to see ya and meet 'cha. (You can't tell I'm really energetic today, even after running a mile and a third. 8D) ))


(Brio & Blue Fire: *stare at Forbidden Lugia* yeah...
Me: Thanx for the welcome! You in cross-country or something?)

Forbidden Lugia

((Actually, no. Okay, to make a long story short, (I was going to describe it, but I typed up the description and was like, whoa. Too long.) we have to run a mile and a third every Friday. Different teachers start their students at different places. We start at the bottem of a hill, on a track.
It is like running track, but the whole point is to get your best time running four laps around this huge area made up of grass, dirt, and baseball/softball fields. They named it after our mascot, "The Ram". It's always so nasty 'cause it's hot here, even in winter.
*Edit*: They do it to get us exercised, although I have it the last period of the day, 8th. THAT's when it gets sticky and hot. Strangley, I don't find it a problem. Almost everyone else at my school does, however. XD ))
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(interesting... why would they do that?
Brio: Maybe the teachers like watching the kids race like people do with horses? </jk>)


Binky-boo! <3

Well, um, if none of us are really interested in RPing anymore, maybe we should just let the club die. =/ We could still keep in touch through PM or something.)
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