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Drink with me, to days gone by!


So hot he's on fire.
More fanart! Hopefully I get more than like....6 decent comments this time 8<


If I said they were lesbians, I bet the guys would be OMGHOT. But as it stands, you guys will have to grab yer balls and cry cause they're hot gay Frenchboys. :3 *awaits the 'ew thats disgusting' comments*


...yep. Vive le Gay Republique.


Combeferre as Glinda, the 'Good Must Be Innocent' Witch and Joly as Elphaba, The Wicked Hypochondriac of the West. :3


Feuilly loves his Joly so much he'll take his hat off for him :0


A little Oekaki Feuilly I did. Cause he's all 'OMG BLOOD ON THE BARRICADE, WUT?!?!/1' and he's wussing out. Even though he commands insurgents.

lol, with Courfeyrac being an ADD little twit, Feuilly being a pansy little wuss and Combeferre being a psychofagboi (in the nicest way possible!) who lusts over a Joly he can't have, WHAT WAS ENJOLRAS THINKING WHEN HE MADE THEM COMMANDERS?!

*cough* ...yes. Commentplz. :3


820 eggs so far
I like these, especially the second one(lol gay republic) but the fourth one i dunno, i think it's cause it's in colour, i'm probably just talking crap, but it'd just IMO look better in black and white, but with the theme of the picture thats kinda difficult i suppose, i love the look on the guy in the third pic (the one in the witches outfit) loltastic :D

so ends my nonsensical rant about nothing in paticular, nice pics P_B
Wow look, no "ew thats disgusting' comments" :)
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Magical Leaf

Kore wa nani mo imi shinai
Oos said:
If I said they were lesbians, I bet the guys would be OMGHOT. But as it stands, you guys will have to grab yer balls and cry cause they're hot gay Frenchboys. :3 *awaits the 'ew thats disgusting' comments*
Hot gay Frenchboys do make me want to grab my balls, but for a completely different reason XD

You make kissing look so cute and meaningful, and thus make me jealous ;-;

'ferre and Joly in those costume look hilarious, although Joly doesn't look quite as uncomfortable/embarrassed. Maybe he likes pretending to be a bitch :O
Then again, i'm sure Combeferre is more comfortable being a fairy than he's making out to be.

Vive le gay republique!
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Evanji Axu

Cute guys and nice art...but are you one of those irritating yaoi fangirls who hates all female characters and will slash anything?

...No offense. *runs off*


So hot he's on fire.
I hate the vast majority of females, and I will slash everything, yeah. Just cause I think it's hot or even if only to find a way to make it work that doesn't actually involve twisting their character.

Bahorel and Bossuet for instance. Bahorel has TONS of hair, Bossuet is bald. It would be fun to see. But pairings such as Feuilly x Joly catch my eye because it would work if given the chance. Feuilly's a poor little orphan, Joly's a medical student who is known already to share his home with anyone who needs it. (He's done that with Bossuet already!) Not to mention both are fairly calm and sweet. :3

So yes, I AM one of those irritating fangirls.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Evanji Axu said:

Oh, shut up. YOU are irritating by spamming and asking that ludicrous question. You're lucky Oos didn't overreact. ¬¬

I already saw the fairy one, but it's still funny as hell. XD 'Ferre as a fairy... lawlz. Not to mention that gay republic one almost made me rofl. XP

Lawlz, love your art. *surprise*


So hot he's on fire.
Teehee. Spam.

That's okay, my thread at PC with these piccus is getting spammed too 83 But it will be dealt with.

I almost wrote 'Joly Hates Ms. Dacey' on the chorus room wall. Thought I'd tell ya, TS. XD


Awesome pictures. I especially like the second one. ^^ Your facial expressions are great! If it makes any sense, your fan art seems so simply complex. Love your style. :>


Well-Known Member
Cute as always. I love hot french bois who snog.

Hey? Perhaps we could art trade?

I need someone to draw my bishied out Sweeney Todd with my Bishied out Pirelli.... ^_^

Hey. I had to find some slash in Sweeney Todd. XD


So hot he's on fire.
Well they're French, so J's and stuff are soft French Js. XD Like with Joly. The J is more of an 'sh' sound. XD And it's NOT pronounced like having a holy jolly christmas. D: It's a long O. :3

The B in Combeferre is silent and so is that first E.

Enjolras is a weird-as* name that a lot of us get wrong, myself included. I prounounce it 'AHN-jol-rahs' but I'm weird like that. I think the S is supposed to be silent, but I don't care. XD

Courfeyrac is pretty easy. COR-fay-rac. lol. (or as Psilo and I prefer, whore-gay-rack. lol.)

Feuilly.....god, I don't expect ANYONE to get that one right. I can't get it right and everyone still debates on how its pronounced. It's weird, so prounounce it how you want. I pronounce it FYOO-lee, but that's cause I'm not fluent in French so pronounciation escapes me.

Mysty, I dunno if I COULD art trade. XD I have a lot of things to catch up on. Christmas pressies and stuff, not to mention art projects in progress. But I suppose eventually I could. XD