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DrSunnysock's Banner Shop



Yeah, I'm back. ^__^

Stuff I've made before:

Request Form:
  • Character:
  • Name On The Banner:
  • Size: Standard SPPF size or a big banner cut in half so you can still use in your signature

Request Request Request!

Also, if you can rate my thread according to your level of satisfaction, that'd be great. :D
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Uhhhh....not to be annoying....but don't you have it in your sig?


I mean, didn't Skitty already make you a banner just like the one you requested from me?

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Mr.DrSunnysock said:
I mean, didn't Skitty already make you a banner just like the one you requested from me?

She didn't make me a banner. she made me a glitter name.


You know what I meant, the banner Mimori Kiryu made you than.

Why do you need 2?

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Pictures: Latias on the left side of the banner, Latios on the right, and this flame in the middle.
Text: Soul Dragon
Text style: I want the color of the text to be silver-white and glowing silver. Also, I'd like the font to be slightly cursive-ish.
Background: A grunged mix of dark reds and blues.
Size: 440 x 100
Other: If you can, can you make the flame glow blue? Also, I'd like all the images to be slightly transparent, if possible.



I have returned!
Character:Shadow the Hedgehog
Name On The Banner: Shadow's Girl
Size: Standard Size for serebiiforms.

Thank you very much


I have returned!
Name On The Banner: Rogue the Bat
Size: Standard Size for serebiiforms.

It's for my sister, she likes Rogue

PS-The Shadow Banner Rocks I love it, thanks very much


Graphics Fan
Character: Bardock ( goku father)
Name On The Banner: Bardock
Size: Standard SPPF size


BTW- what program do u use to make your banners?


Bloody git

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
...Um, Mr.DrSunnysock, are you going to do my request any time soon? 'Cause I was one of the first to request...But just so you know, when I filled out the form, I was trying to be specific on what I wanted, so I added a few factors to the form like "Background" and "Text style". I'm not trying to rush you, I'm just wondering when my banner will be done.
