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Well-Known Member
i got a question about daylight savigs time, well its been a long time, i forgot to do this earlier but can someone tell me how to set the clock back one hour?

Freeze Knight

super cuno
You can´t set the clock back and forth.


Yup your stuck being an hour off, probably the game's bigest downfall. because its so great!


Well-Known Member
It's not a big deal anyways. You'll just have to remember that the new day starts an hour earlier/later than it should. Time doesn't have nearly as much of an effect as it did in G/S/C. Although it still brings many cool things to the game...


Obsessive Beader/Mod

Don't bump up a post from last month when the person who made the thread requested it to be closed. Sometimes we miss these threads, that doesn't mean you should still post in them.

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