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Dual monitor question


<- It was THIS big!
Hey guys got a quick question to ask you. On my my computer I have a monitor plugged into my (single-monitor) AGP video card, however there is a spare DVI slot on the motherboard itself - I've picked up an unused CRT monitor for free from a neighbour, and I'm wondering, what is the story on dual-monitor support in this situation?

Wisest Pikachu

The Wisest of Pikach
Well, this might be too specific for some people, but I rip a lot of OPs and Ends of anime as videos. Then I use my TV to show the video while I can use the computer for something else. I guess this also works if you rip a lot of videos off Youtube or Google Vid.

That's what I use it for anyway.


<- It was THIS big!
Yes, I'm an avid flight simulator, having the extra screen means I can undock gauges and the like and have them elsewhere.