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Duel Masters


Well-Known Member
Do anyone here play duel masters?

top 8 guy

Yes i used to.... had 15 very rares and 9 super rares, in the cards, but in the games I had every single 1...... :p

assassin oates

Shut up mokuba
in my oppinion this is a copy off yu-gi-oh i mean look at the main guy his hair may aswell have a sighn saying " i am yugi moto" and it has realy bad puns

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
in my oppinion this is a copy off yu-gi-oh i mean look at the main guy his hair may aswell have a sighn saying " i am yugi moto"

I disagree. If you were to look at a catalogue of young male protagonists in anime and claim them all to be 'copying yugi,' you might have a rather long list of copycats- including many of which predate the creation of Yugiou.
Granted, the Duel Masters cardgame was created by Wizards of the Coast to steal some of Yugiou's thunder away; but the main character doesn't really look so much like Muto Yugi that you could really support a claim of plagarism. If anything, he looks more like the male protagonist of Medarot than Yugi...

and it has realy bad puns

Please file all grievances pertaining to "parody script"ed anime with Saban Entertainment.

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
I used to. No offense, but I didn't like it. It played like a clone of MTG. And when everyone around me stopped playing, I did too.

The Requiem


Yes I used to play IRL.

Yes I do dabble here and there with YVD.

Its a TERRIBLE game, but that doesent mean its not fun every now and again.


Well-Known Member
I used to. But i quit playing the cards.


i do i just gave my 785 cards to my cousin
i had
50 triple breakers
100 super rares
10 uber dragon bajulas
1 death cruzer
10 super necrodragon abza dolba
5 billion deegrees
i had an entire dragon dack
i was totally unbeatable
i gave them alll away yesterady