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Dumb luck catching Latias (this happen to anybody else?)

OK, i'd just beat my Sapphire, and i had to go take the red orb back to Mt. Pyre. So, i was surfing from the Lilycove side around the back of the mountain, and i was beside the mountain, i got in a wild Pokemon battle. i just thought, "C'mon, im tring to do something here, leave me alone!". i go into the battle, just expecting to kick its head off with my Blaziken. I went in the battle, and it was LATIAS! I was just like, "...Holy Crap!" So i just throw my Master Ball, and caught her without even meaning to! Did this happen to anyone else?


loves birbs.
OK, i'd just beat my Sapphire, and i had to go take the red orb back to Mt. Pyre. So, i was surfing from the Lilycove side around the back of the mountain, and i was beside the mountain, i got in a wild Pokemon battle. i just thought, "C'mon, im tring to do something here, leave me alone!". i go into the battle, just expecting to kick its head off with my Blaziken. I went in the battle, and it was LATIAS! I was just like, "...Holy Crap!" So i just throw my Master Ball, and caught her without even meaning to! Did this happen to anyone else?

WTF our posts were deleted.. ? o:
I wonder why..


Active Member
Yep, this thing happened to me as well. One day I when I had nothing to do, I started playing Sapphire. I was heading to New Mauville to see if there is something I missed when I went the first time. While I was surfing there I got in a wild Pokemon battle. I also was thinking that I should give it a One-Hit Ko with my Blaziken, but then, surprise...Latias, "OMG". I quickly threw my Master Ball at her and captured her without looking for her. ;380;


Yup, happened to me. Serebii said Lati@s wasn't able to found in water, so I was doin' my business going to Sky Tower. And BA-BAM! Latias appeared on Sapphire. I wasn't ready, so I just used me Masterball on it. :)
On my first sapphire i was just training my new plusle in the route below the cycling road and latias appered, i just through the master ball and caught it, i was searching for it an hour before that
same thing, i was looking for a wailord so i could catch the regis, but all of a sudden, BAM, latias! i didn't have a master ball, so i ran, flew straight to my pc to get my wobbafet, then went and got some great balls. thrird try, third great ball. :D