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Dungeon General Help Thread

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Right im fed up with loads of pointless threads asking the same question

If you're stuck, post here and someone will help. The End :p


Neither Wobbuffet nor Wynaut talked to me when I defeated Articuno....


ok now ...
where is HM Surf , Watter fall , Fly and ...er ..DIVE ( tried to talk to Whiscash and Kangaskhan and nothing ...
or have i already had it ?


Well you have waterfall.... it is the one you're aiming....


look! a shiny dragon
how do you start any of your missions? i've accepted all of them after the two introductory dungeons (w/ magnemite and the caterpie)

Alastor DMc

Well-Known Member
I don't own this game, not till it's in English, but are there TMs as well? If so, are they the same TMs as the 3rd gen games, or a new set all together?


Yes, all the 50 TMs and 8 HMs are all there.

They're the same as the games from Red to Emerald. (Except that Whirlpool isn't a HM now...it's replaced by Dive.)


He Has Returned
Ok i tried to defeat kyogre and lost and know everytime i go to its duengoeun it gives me a message and wont let me go in


Dangerous and Moving
x.x'' Fine, I'm asking, I've searched and searched and searched...and came up fruitless.

Where the heck are you all getting this game at?! It's driving me bonkers, I can't find it ANYWHERE! Could someone just please tell me? o.o'


shadow2810 said:

hum..so where are Surf , Fly and DIVE !!!!!
Just try finding Surf (なみのり), Fly (そらをとぶ) and Dive (ダイビング) in your TM's/HM's...


perrapu/pinpuku rule
ow to go to the lugia mission i alredy hav the 3 birds


look! a shiny dragon
I have a lot of questions

1) Where can you get Tms/Hms? I don't have a single one yet. nvm, found two
2) When I get Tms/Hms, is there a special menu for them? If so, I need directions.
3) On the mission that you go to a cave and find Tyrouge, an Item is requested. Where/how can I get that Item?
4) What are the bean-like objects in dungeons for?
5) What are the orbs for?
6)How do you use items on your partners?
7) When you go to the third option of the menu, then select your main, then the third option....what is that?
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Coral Eye Trainer
if you have eevee for your parter and you want to evolve it then do you get pick what it evolves into.What determines what eevee evolves into


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
*doesnt know what to do*
I beat the Zapdos dungeon, and the one with the Xatu, but now I'm stuck doing missions from the old dungeons. When/How do I unlock a new location?
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