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Dungeon Help (topic has to do with Ho-Oh)


Advanced Spriter
Ok, well, it may not be what you think it is...

...no, it's not befriending Ho-Oh...right now...

...it's about after Ho-Oh. I beat Entei, Raikou, and Suicune and go the Rainbow Wing. Now I beat Ho-Oh (OMG 2 powder snows from Articuno and one attack from Blaziken (48 damage)!), but I don't know what to do next. Could someone help me out, plz?


Staff member
Super Mod
I did the same, theres really nothing left now...It kinda makes me sad. Now you just have to do random missions....

Cain Nightroad

Well, befriend Ho-Oh to unlock Western Cave.
Buy Southern Island and teach a pokemon surf, and you'll embark on the first part of the Save Latias mission.
Talk to Ekans and Medicham by the pond for a few days, then go to the help board, and accept Medicham's mission to unlock wish cave.
Befriend Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, then talk to Alakazam with one of them, switch leaders, then go to Legendary Island to unlock Silver Trench.
Befriend Lugia in Silver Trench 99f to unlock Meteor Cave with Deoxys.


Advanced Spriter
Well, befriend Ho-Oh to unlock Western Cave.
Buy Southern Island and teach a pokemon surf, and you'll embark on the first part of the Save Latias mission.
Talk to Ekans and Medicham by the pond for a few days, then go to the help board, and accept Medicham's mission to unlock wish cave.
Befriend Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, then talk to Alakazam with one of them, switch leaders, then go to Legendary Island to unlock Silver Trench.
Befriend Lugia in Silver Trench 99f to unlock Meteor Cave with Deoxys.

I'll do Ho-Oh next.
Did and done.
I'll try that first.
Did and done, gained access to Silver Trench. Does it have traps?
Ok, then.

I guess I'm ready. Thanks for the help, guys!


Advanced Spriter
Sorry 4 DP.

Ho-Oh won't join (though I've only tried twice), and I lost the friend bow. What do I do?
Is there a certain time til they appear?
Wow, Silver Trench was hard! I beat Lugia in 2 hits, though, it was getting to him as the hard part. :p
99 floors...I have to KEEP GOING BACK OVER AND OVER AGAIN?! Oh brother...

How do I unlock the Regis?

Topaz Archer

Well, befriend Ho-Oh to unlock Western Cave.
Buy Southern Island and teach a pokemon surf, and you'll embark on the first part of the Save Latias mission.
Talk to Ekans and Medicham by the pond for a few days, then go to the help board, and accept Medicham's mission to unlock wish cave.
Befriend Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, then talk to Alakazam with one of them, switch leaders, then go to Legendary Island to unlock Silver Trench.
Befriend Lugia in Silver Trench 99f to unlock Meteor Cave with Deoxys.

excuse me, but thats not how it worked out for me. i didnt even go to Thundery Field and i had already befriended both lati@s. it is unlocked a different way.


Well-Known Member
you have to buy southern island AND have the HM surf and an event will be triggered which lets you go to northern range, go there and at the top you'll see latios and he will tell you to save latias in the pitfall valley, when you do, they will both join your team
Last edited:

News Lucario

GlItH hUnTeR Seth
Well, befriend Ho-Oh to unlock Western Cave.
Buy Southern Island and teach a pokemon surf, and you'll embark on the first part of the Save Latias mission.
Talk to Ekans and Medicham by the pond for a few days, then go to the help board, and accept Medicham's mission to unlock wish cave.
Befriend Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, then talk to Alakazam with one of them, switch leaders, then go to Legendary Island to unlock Silver Trench.
Befriend Lugia in Silver Trench 99f to unlock Meteor Cave with Deoxys.

dont forget get all 386 pokemon on your team =)

309/386 here =)
Lucario Ranked

5 Lvl 100 invinsibles (yay for Gummis)
1 lvl 97 (yay jsut got my unown A up a lvl)

over 10000 floors explored
over 550 missions complete

PM if you need rescue =)


Gust of Wind
just a question - once your first beat ho-oh and go back up to face him again, once you beat him will he 99.9% sure befriend you? it says on the site


Better then you
I think that's correct. I got Ho-Oh to join me on my second run through. Oh and >The Hazy Spriter<, to gain access to Buried Relic(the Regis) you have to beat Kyogre first.


Drifblim landing!

Buried Relic (Regis and Mew): Beat Stormy Seas, check the news and talk to Shiftry.

Northern Range (Latios): Get Surf and Southern Island Friend Area

Pitfall Valley: Beat Northern Range

Silver Trench (Lugia): Befriend the 3 Legendary Birds and do the event

Deoxys Place: Beat (Befriend possibly) Lugia

Western Cave (Mewtwo): Beat and befriend Ho-oH

Wish Cave (Jirachi): Keep doing missions and talking to Ekans and Medicham and soon they'll send you and complete the mission and you can go back.

Murky Cave (Gardevoir): First keep talking to Ekans and Medicham AFTER saving Medicham then keep on chatting until Gengar shows up, take him to Mt. Freeze Peak to see Ninetails and then go to Murky Cave and you'll be able to befriend Gardevoir.