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E4 Help


New Member
It's impossible. I cannot do it! My pokemon are so easily capable: 57 Dialga, 54 Gastrodon, 47 Kadabra, 52 Luxray, 53 Rapidash, 52 Staraptor. But I don't have enough pp to finish off cynthia. I already used all of my pp up, elixirs, and ethers. I don't know what to do. I don't have wifi and I don't know anybody who I can trade with for a really high pokemon. I need help bad. I have fought the E4 at least 20 times and that's pathetic. Will someone please please please help. Anything will be greatly appreciated!


Insert witty title
Grow leppa berries, there's nithing else I can tell you or help you with if you don't have wifi. BTW, wrong board.