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Early First Generation Stuff

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Grass Master
OK. I've heard things like they were going to have Togepi be a first gen poke, or that 1000 pokemon were made but they only used some of the ideas.
Other things:
-That gyrados was made first, then they made magikarp because he was too strong.
-Original Pokemon names like Man o' War for Tentacruel, Hocus and Pocus for Abra and Kadabra. And that Alakazam did not exist.
-And does anyone have conceptual art for the original games?


Natsu no Maboroshi
I just remember the Man 'o War thingy. I had no idea about Gyaradosu


Active Member
all i know is that
Ryhorn was the very First Pokemon Ever made before bulbasaur.

RYHORN WAS NOT the first pokemon ever made....it was the first to be programmed in the game...that doesn't mean satoshi first created ryhorn..my bet is that the first pokemons he created were the bug ones...coz he like bugs!!!;412;
Mew was the first ever meade. Due to the glitch, I think that Mew should be a wild Pokémon, too.
Also, Gyrados may be suppossed tom Dragon, since its types i Water/Flying then it however not learns any Flying-attacks but many Dragon-attacks.


Shiny hunter
RYHORN WAS NOT the first pokemon ever made....it was the first to be programmed in the game...that doesn't mean satoshi first created ryhorn..my bet is that the first pokemons he created were the bug ones...coz he like bugs!!!;412;

RHYHORN was NOT the first pokemon programmed into the game either, RHYDON was the first pokemon, and Kangaskhan was the second. Which is why Missingno. and 'M turn into Rhydon and Kangaskhan respectively.

Also, Prof. Oak was originally a trainer you could battle.


Bodybuilder Trainer
btw, I know Machop ,Machoke and Machamp were at one point going to be called Karatee, Kung-foo, and Ju-doh


Well-Known Member
that stuff all sounds so cool but did they really put missigno in the game on purpose 0_o If so i never knew that but I never thought they'd put a glitch in the game on purpose but thena gain they always call them all missingnos


Shiny hunter
My theory is: If Missingno. is there on purpose, it was to help the beta testers duplicate rare items, in order to progress to certain points in the game quickly. Otherwise "Missingno." is merely an error message for a pokemon that doesn't exist. Hence the name "missing number". But I'd say the first theory is more likely.


Volcano Trainer
OK. I've heard things like they were going to have Togepi be a first gen poke, or that 1000 pokemon were made but they only used some of the ideas.
Other things:
-That gyrados was made first, then they made magikarp because he was too strong.

Gyrados might have been made first, but they always wanted to have Magikarp in there because this chain follows the legend of the carp that makes it up the river/water fall/something turns in to a fish monster thing! Woot! I'm horrible at remembering things.
-Original Pokemon names like Man o' War for Tentacruel, Hocus and Pocus for Abra and Kadabra. And that Alakazam did not exist.

Uh. . .?

-And does anyone have conceptual art for the original games?

I'm sure there's someone out there.



If anyone would like to see it, I made a text dump for Pokemon Red. It shows that "PROF.OAK" and "CHIEF" were indeed trainers.

There's also a quote, "Ground rose up somewhere!", which I don't recall from any in-game playing.

And the default names for the hero and the rival are actually NINTEN and SONY. One of the localizers had a sense of humor, apparently...


You know what I'd love to see? Some early R/G scans or screenshots.

Maybe some early mag articles from before the games came out in Japan to see what was said about them all that time ago.


Well-Known Member
Ho-oh was done earlier, but was revealed with the secound generation. So is Togepi, Marill, and Snubull.


Well-Known Member
Well I know poliwag was the first Pokemon Satoshi designed. It was in the officially nintendo mag Pokemon Speciel. Also it said that Satoshi was inspired to make Pokemon because he collected bugs so yeh he liked bugs. missingno was theoretically somthing to do with user numbers. Missing Number, I read an article somwhere but can't remember where it was.

As far as I know he had the first and second gen done before red and blue or green even came out.

Just my random additions.
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