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eevee edit


Well-Known Member

I drew a new tail and ears on this eevee


Pokemon Shaman
Okay... I don't understand why, but here goes. The new ears and tail are too bold, and they aren't shaded at all.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
It looks like it has horns on the front and back of it's head. and it's tail looks....just weird.
I suggest that maybe you should read a tutorial. I believe that there is a tutorial for scratch parts


Really and truly
And the point of making Eevee look strange is...?

That was a pointless edit, not to mention a poor edit. You just made the ears and tails into strange, awkward triangles that jut out of its body unnaturally.
The outlines are also much too thick (see the tutorials about rounded outlining) and not shaded (outlines should be part black, part the darkest color of the body). Plus the parts pretty much lack shading in general.

I really just don't know what to tell you...:p



Staff member
The outlines should only be one-pixel-thick. Also, remember to shade your outlines correctly after you make them only one pixel thick.


Manyula Trainer
Yeah, the parts you added are too bold and don't fit in to the original sprite at all. The body and tail's colors just randomly change. And the new parts are going to need some shading.