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Eevee needs more

absol 777

what eevee evoulutions are missing. i think a light type and ghost type should be added. whats your idea.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we'll create an eevee for a type that doesnt even exist. There is no light type

absol 777

um there is in diamond and pearl


Well-Known Member
um there is in diamond and pearl

there isnt a light type in diamond and pearl... just a freaking light stone! that is used to evolve no light type!

and eevee shouldnt get anymore evolutions...


Scyther FTW <3
No There isn't. If there is, show me the page that says so =/

Back on topic: Dragon Type Eeveelution would be kinda cool ^^;; Steel and Flying would be cool too.


Slow and steady baby
what eevee evoulutions are missing. i think a light type and ghost type should be added. whats your idea.

You're right, and i won't get on you about the Light type, you've already been corrected.

It doesn't matter what anyone says, Eevee will eventually be EVERY type.

It has to happen, so i can make yet ANOTHER Eevee wheel, and make ANOTHER thread about it.

The only question up in the air is this...

Should there be a NORMAL typed Eeveelution?

Yes, i know Eevee is already a normal type, don't you dare tell me again. But it's weak, and since it's stronger in it's elemental forms, why not have an improvement on it's basic form?

Eon/Eeveon anyone?


Their should be more eevee evos, but not a light type no such thing!


Well-Known Member
Cant really imagine a dragon EEVEE. a ghost one maybe can be an actual Nekomata, not like that poser espeon


Well-Known Member
Eevee already has enough Evo's dammit. If GF/Nintendo even thinks about making more they'll wake up dead. 0.o


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what anyone says, Eevee will eventually be EVERY type.
Should there be a NORMAL typed Eeveelution?
Yes, i know Eevee is already a normal type, don't you dare tell me again. But it's weak, and since it's stronger in it's elemental forms, why not have an improvement on it's basic form?

Eon/Eeveon anyone?

I agree with turtle love. they will probably continue in the coming gens making new evos.
but a Normal type evo would be Nice, if they can be bothered for a straight evo, the same type as the original.


Thunder Pokemon User
I think a dragon eevee would be cool, but awkward. They are missing a flyin type eevee,but that just wouldn't work otu at all.. And the ghost eevee would also be cool to me along with just a regular normal eevee evolution.


Well-Known Member
The only eevee evo we need is a steeleon! Steel types rule x3!


Well-Known Member
Well they cant have a normal eevee cause it is already normal to begin with. Have an idea on how to evolve it. Maybe they can use the stones that havent been used yet while he's holding an item. They did it for level up evos why not stone ones

Dark Stone+New Item=Dragon Eevee
Light Stone+New Item=Steel Eevee
Leaf Stone+New poison related item=Poison eevee
Moon Stone+New item=Rock Eevee
Sun Stone+New item=Fight Eevee

And they can even do this for level ups.

Dark Master Zork

dark scizor master
more eevee's wold be nice but for it to hit evey type is not good i can't think what a rock,bug or even fighting eevee's wold look like but i am in favor of having a normal ,steel,ghost,flying,poision and maby dragon but that is it and if thay do make a fighting eevee i will despise it!
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