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soo, i have not beat any bosses yet because i just reset my game. but.. which eeveelution should i get after story mode?

i can get any of them, i have extra sun / lunar ribbons on my red version;136;
out of personal perferance, i would chose either vaporeon, espeon, or umbreon. but it all depends on which on you like best.



i was thinking about espeon, umbreon, or vaporeon.
but i can't think

which pokemon would help me with the rest of the game?
Hm... I think Vaporeon or Espeon. Umbreon does not learn many good moves at all, other than Bite, or if he learns crunch, thats good too, but thats it. Vaporeon has a good defense, and Espeon has a good Sp. Atk.


i think ill go with vaporeon.
then in joyous tower ill get more eevee's and evolve them to the others


lol/ i bet they are. XD
ill make sure of that.
^_^ ^ LOL! I just use Gravelrocks when I go to recruit Eevees.... oh and I would choose Umbreon because hes the coolest!


i don't care about coolness.
i onle care if it willl help me on the game. XD


fredfredburger yes!
in joyous tower chikorita's are evil! and i would pick espeon as first and vaporean second.


ill find some joy seeds in my red version and transfer them into my blue version.
:] so i can train in the 1st floor until im level hmmmm.... 20, and use some joy seeds. :] ill be level 30, and i can recruit most pokemons easier like that.


fap fap fap.
why do they make it FLAP FLAP FLAP


fredfredburger yes!
yeah it's the wings first when i clicked your spoiler i said huh? how can you be that far in the game with level 12 pokemon then i read the bottom and saw that you wrote just restarted MD.