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Egg confusion


Scuffle of Legends
Well each pokemon hatches from an egg, unless if theya re legendary....i think????? Either way, all non legendary pokemon hatch from eggs. Now, what i dont get is why would Exxecute have an egg? Your egg evolved into, a bunch of eggs! it doesnt make sense to me.

Also, in the anime this time, all of the pokemon eggs are coloured to look like the pokemon somhow. Would the exxecute egg just look like on the of the eggs in exxecute?

Sorry i dont know how to spell Exxecute


What I don't get in the anime is when pokemon evolve from eggs. I was watching it this morning, and the Pokemon didn't hatch from the egg. The egg didn't brake, it started glowing and then turned into the pokemon.


Torterra Firma
Well, I think ALL pokemon hatched from eggs. Except Mewtwo and the manmades. Manaphy and crack-baby Fione are proof.


I Crush Everything
What I don't get in the anime is when pokemon evolve from eggs. I was watching it this morning, and the Pokemon didn't hatch from the egg. The egg didn't brake, it started glowing and then turned into the pokemon.

Yeah, that really bugged me. It's bad enough for a pokemon to start glowing when it evolves, but an egg? Writers, you guys can't seriously be that lazy!


Tails the Bouyzel
Yeah, that really bugged me. It's bad enough for a pokemon to start glowing when it evolves, but an egg? Writers, you guys can't seriously be that lazy!

I know, I think thats really stupid too. =P


Eggs have just been a way for pokefreaks to get perfect pokemon, I'm an example. Pokemon really has a complicated and confusing storyline though, I mean whats up with mew being replaced?