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Egg Steps

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I heard that in emerald, if you put a pokemon with
Flame body or Magma Armor, the egg steps are cut in half.. .
Do i have to put that pokemon in the first spot? or anywhere???
(Somewhere I saw that I have to put magcargo in the first)

Also,, if you put 2 pokemons that have Flame Body, MAgma Armor,
is the egg step cut in 4??(3 pokemons--> cut in 8? and so on...)

PLZ help me~~


Obsessive Beader/Mod
1. It's actually cuts it about 1/3, to be precise. No, it does not have to be in the first spot.

2. Unfortunately, these Abilities don't "stack." You'll only cut 1/3 steps no matter how many Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor you have in your party.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
bass_forte said:
Why is it that we are on SPPf, yet no-one seems to check the SPP main site?!


Because most people just post questions like the one Adzieboy posted hoping someone like you would go through the trouble of locating the exact page and then posting a link, and by doing so, you save these kinds of people time (I'm included in this group of users only I don't ask the question, I read, wait, then follow the link).

Is there any reason why it's Magma Armor and Flame Body in particular?

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
I'm guessing that having a 'mon with magma armor or flame body would make your party warmer and therefore incubate the egg whilst in your party.


Well-Known Member
Magma Leader Maxie said:
Because most people just post questions like the one Adzieboy posted hoping someone like you would go through the trouble of locating the exact page and then posting a link, and by doing so, you save these kinds of people time (I'm included in this group of users only I don't ask the question, I read, wait, then follow the link).

Is there any reason why it's Magma Armor and Flame Body in particular?
Eggs hatch faster when they're kept heated, and since both abilities would supply heat, that's why it's them.
I have been hatching loads of eggs this way on Emerald (Jelous?), and it is soooo much easier.
What I did was train up a Marcargo to a repectable level (50) and use that to fend off anything that challenges me, and carry around a slugma to add to the effect!


TC expert
fighting_master said:
I have been hatching loads of eggs this way on Emerald (Jelous?), and it is soooo much easier.
What I did was train up a Marcargo to a repectable level (50) and use that to fend off anything that challenges me, and carry around a slugma to add to the effect!
It's already been said you can't stack up the effects
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