Consdering the disscussion managed to accumulate over 3 or so pages in the episode thread, I thought I'd make a poll just so the episode itself could actually be disscussed.
What do you think Haruka's egg will hatch into, and why?
And I don't want any moronic crappy answes like 'Its a Buskern, coz I syd so'.
So let the unbearable onslaught of arguing begin! ^_^
I think its going to hatch into an Eevee, because;
1-Its got the exact same color scheme as said pokémon.
2-The pattern seems like it is intended to represent an Eevee's tuffted collar thing.
3-Its an incredibly popular pokémon that has suberb marketting potential
4-All of its evolutions are also incredibly popular. More marketting potential right there.
5-Its a Kanto pokémon, and the Frontier saga is essentially used to show off the first generation of lil' critters.
6-Its a typical cutesy-poo pokémon which is usually the type that ends up with Haruka.
What do you think Haruka's egg will hatch into, and why?
And I don't want any moronic crappy answes like 'Its a Buskern, coz I syd so'.
So let the unbearable onslaught of arguing begin! ^_^
I think its going to hatch into an Eevee, because;
1-Its got the exact same color scheme as said pokémon.
2-The pattern seems like it is intended to represent an Eevee's tuffted collar thing.
3-Its an incredibly popular pokémon that has suberb marketting potential
4-All of its evolutions are also incredibly popular. More marketting potential right there.
5-Its a Kanto pokémon, and the Frontier saga is essentially used to show off the first generation of lil' critters.
6-Its a typical cutesy-poo pokémon which is usually the type that ends up with Haruka.