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Eggs again

Is it possible to breed pokemon in these games like for example the "Kangaskhan" with "Sing" with another male pokemon of the same group who can learn sing as well like a male Lapras? Is it possible to do anything with these attacks, it would be cool to use thes epokemon in diamond and perl and battle online with them...


Dynamo Trainer
You can't breed them in Gale of Darkness, since that game won't even allow you to have Eggs. But, you can trade them over to a GBA game and use them to breed their moves onto other Pokemon that have those moves as Egg Moves. Since only males pass down move, Kangaskhan can't pass Sing down. Also, only moves that can be learned by the hatchling by leveling up can be passed down when both parents know the move, and Kangaskhan doesn't learn Sing naturally. The baby has to have the move you want as an Egg Move, or it won't be passed down. For breeding, these moves are really only useful to shorten some of the chains for passing down Egg Moves.