• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
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Eh...I'm hope someone may know what I'm talking about...

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Ok...I've seen on some sites that have a "Log-in" box on their website, that will log them into their sites forum. How exactly do they do this? I've figured out how to get the layout so that I can do it, I just don't know how to make a site and a forum communicate like that. Is it some sort of code or something. Any help would be appriciated.


2 words: V-bulletin

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Eh, I'm not willing to buy anything, I consider stuff like this as a cheap hobby, so I don't have to buy much. I'm pretty sure I've seen sites using IF and doing this. I doesn't matter if it's possible or not, it's not something I really need on the site.

Eh...my spelling sucks today.

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Ok, thanks...Would you happen to know if Invisionfree supports it? Thats what I have the most experience with.

Virtual Headache

Hao Kaiser said:
Ok, thanks...Would you happen to know if Invisionfree supports it? Thats what I have the most experience with.
Yeah, I've seen some Invisionfree forums with a portal hack which means it should be available.
Try looking at their support forums.

Just looked at my IF forum and saw that it already has got a portal.
So I think that's pretty much a standard feature...


Just me
You don't need a portal. You just need a form with the right action.

<form action="http://forumurl/index.php?act=Login&amp;CODE=01" method="post" name='LOGIN'>
<input type='hidden' name='referer' value="http://forumurl/index.php?">
Username: <input type='text' size='20' maxlength='64' name='UserName'><br>
Password: <input type='password' size='20' name='PassWord'><br>
Remember me? <input type="radio" name="CookieDate" value="1" checked="checked">Yes <input type="radio" name="CookieDate" value="0">No<br>
Anonymous? <input type="checkbox" name="Privacy" value="1"><br>
<input type="submit" name='submit' value="Log in">
That should do the trick. Just replace forumurl.