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Electabuzz (and evos) Club!

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Well-Known Member

Inferno Master

Mangekyo Slayer
Elekible is cool. I think that it there should be an ulimate match between Elekible and Buburn. Wolfy says your pretty cool YellowHat.


The Anticool
Elekible is cool. I think that it there should be an ulimate match between Elekible and Buburn. Wolfy says your pretty cool YellowHat.

Well, I agree with him XD
Anyway, like Wolfy said, are you planning on joining, or just stopping by to say hi? Cuz we could use all the members we can get!

Well everyone, I'm incredibly tired, so I'm logging out! Good night!
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Well-Known Member
well dudes (kinda like my catch phrase)....
I'm tired (if anybody here watches Naruto, I'm pretty much Shikamaru in real life)
I'm logging out soon, so continue to discuss, but just don't break any rules....
cause I'm in charge when YellowHat isn't here...
plus I don't wanna get in trouble
see ya


Well-Known Member
I had to check something...
you're in....
can't complete sentences....
too sleepy.....
importance.....check first post....to lazy....explain
i'm out......


can i join my fav poke is lucario, but for while is was electabuzz, and if you need another co-owner, i'm your man, but if not thats kkool too, but now i like elkible the best of that family


Well-Known Member
Sorry I didn't post earlier! I didn't have time this morning and then i couldn't find your thread until now!

Which version are you going to get (in English?) Diamond or Pearl, and tell why.

I am going to get Diamond as soon as it comes out & then Pearl on my birthday! I'm gettin' Diamond because Dialaga looks much,much(keep on saying much for 2 hours,21 minutes and 3 seconds) COOLER! I'm only getting Pearl so i can do the glitches to get Darkrai & Sheimi then trade them over to Diamond,so it won't matter if i do the glitches wrong!


Well-Known Member
I will get Diamond becuase Peral seems girly and Diaruga loks cooler.

Well Dude...
Diaruga looks like a mutant horse with a disproportional head and a fan coming out of its butt...
Also learn to spell Pearl

Inferno Master

Mangekyo Slayer
is anybody on. Sorry, I just got home. The thing I hate about thanksgiving is that you never have time to do anything. I'll join the club so you guys wont have to ask anymore. The Ele evo line is pretty cool.
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