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Electabuzz (and evos) Club!

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The Anticool
Welcome, Inferno master! I'm going to guess that your favorite poke'mon is Buuburn, correct? :)


Well-Known Member
Hope Everyone had a Great Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)...
More members!!!!
How bout a new topic...
Inferno Master gave me this Idea...
How do you think a fight between Buuburn and Elikible would go?

I think it would end in a draw...
or not...


no offense but booburn would win becuase it has better attacks

to answer the previous topic, i have pearl, only becuz my sis has diamond so we can trade


The Anticool
I need to know the fave pokemon of the following members...
Disco Dragon
Inferno Master

Oh, and I've changed my mind, I belive buuburn would win. Not due to it's moves, but because I dislike Elekible, and want it to die. I mean, It's cool and all, but It's making Electabuzz feel bad and inimportant.
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Elekible would crush Burburn


Well-Known Member
I think Elikible is an improvement on Electabuzz...
Yeah I still think they'd tie...
Elikible uses Giga Impact or whatever it's called, then Buuburn shoots fireballs from its arms that are over 2000 degrees celsius (yes it can do that)....
Anyway they KO each other with thunder punch and fire punch respectively...


The Anticool
Uh, you already said that...
YAY! New topic. Um, how about,
When was the first time you got an Electabuzz?
Mine was when I hatched my odd egg from the day-care on Crystal, and it was Elekid. I fell in love immediatly, and since it grew so faast, I soon had a super-powerful Electabuzz! It's been my favorite poke'mon ever since...
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Well-Known Member
Don't remember...
Sometime I guess...
Actually I got one on Fire Red or whatever...
And I have two Elekid in Mystery Dungeon

Aqua Manafi

Can I join? I like Elekible the best.

Aqua Manafi

Thanks. By the way did you want me to put the banner in my sig? It looks great.
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Aqua Manafi

Yeah! Put it in! (if you figured out how...) Make sure you give credit to wolfy! BTW, what is your favorite poke'mon (ever, out of all 493)

My Favorite pokemon ever is Ho-oh, and if you wanted to know my favorite non-legendary pokemon it is Dragonite.
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