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Elements Of "Scizor's Pinsirs".

The Scizor Master

The Scizor Master

Thought'd it will be cool.


what about bug type but other than that their cool


likes 'poms :3
An interesting idea you did. :3
One of my gripes is don't draw on icky notebook paper. White, blank printer paper works good. Cropping around the drawings makes it look better too. If you have Photoshop, play around with the "levels" to get rid of the grey splotches and make the blacks blacker and the whites whiter then sour cream. Keep it up!


The power of the sun
I like the idea, it was unexpected ( I like that =] ), 13 new pokemon out of just scizors pinsor lol. Some are better than others though, i think the physcic, dragon and ghost ones look the best.