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Eleven Weeks?


Torterra Firma
Anyways, I was calculating how much longer until D/P comes to the U.S.

The episone "End of a Journey, yet the Beggining of a Journey" Is in 11 weeks.

That's the last week in January. Seems... Plausible.

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
They do this all the time. They aired the last episodes of Johto before Ruby and Sapphire came out, then gave us a month of reruns. If D/P is coming out in February instead of, what I think, March, they decided to put the episodes in January and air the Battle Pyramid and Grand Festival episodes in December as some Christmas present. :D

The good news is, we'll get to at least now what the names for Perap and Elekible are in English sooner. The bad news is, if they decide to release D/P in March, April, or May, we're in for a dry spell of reruns. :(

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
This is basically the result of Cartoon Network realizing that "Pokémon Battle Frontier" is giving them an unholy windfall of ratings. Thus, they're giving us a ton of new episodes all at once. It's gonna come back to bite 'em in the *** eventually when they run out of new episodes in January and they have to give us eight months of reruns.


Yeah, ok!
D/P are not coming out anytime soon.

CN are just being idiots like usual and blowing through the season like they do with all their shows. Their schedule department is run by morons.

This is one of the reasons KidsWb was better sometimes, we had new episodes throughout almost the entire season.
D/P are not coming out anytime soon.

CN are just being idiots like usual and blowing through the season like they do with all their shows. Their schedule department is run by morons.

This is one of the reasons KidsWb was better sometimes, we had new episodes throughout almost the entire season.

I agree. CN shows 3 or 4 episodes a week while KidsWB showed 1 or 2 a week. I like being in suspense on whats going to happen next week. Now when they finish the series they are gonna have to show repeats for a couple months. Kidswb had it all laid out.


The anime always comes out after the games, people. Just look back and you'll see. So if DP comes out Feb/March, then I suspect May or June for the anime. >>


Yoshi King
im pretty sure kids wb did 2 episodes a week for about 6 months....


Thank you, SPPf! :)
They switched back between showing one and two eps a week constantly, which resulted in about three months of nothing.

However, CN's scheduling is even more retarded, and if the next season comes out in fall like new seasons normally do, we may be looking at a full six months without new episodes. Maybe PUSA or CN will be nice and dub/air Season 10 before the fall of 2007.


Well-Known Member
wish that it could be so but nay my friend, nay. Like suikun said, new seasons of pkmn usually dont air till fall, so were screwed =(


Thunder Pokemon User
Good. I cant wait untill it comes out, but dang, thats still a long ways away


Torterra Firma
Dude, I WANT it to come in March, before the 21st. That way, I have a good set of Birthday presents!


If they are pushing out all the episodes by January, then wouldn't that mean that if D/P come out in March-ish, we'd only get two months maximum of repeats, because they're obviously going to start D/P when the games come out in the states.

I honestly don't get all this "we're gonna get 6+ months of repeats" crap, because it's not going to be THAT drastic.


Yeah, ok!
If they are pushing out all the episodes by January, then wouldn't that mean that if D/P come out in March-ish, we'd only get two months maximum of repeats, because they're obviously going to start D/P when the games come out in the states.

I honestly don't get all this "we're gonna get 6+ months of repeats" crap, because it's not going to be THAT drastic.

Well depends on when D/P really comes out. If the games don't come out till April or later, we are going to be in for months of repeats at this rate.


Well depends on when D/P really comes out. If the games don't come out till April or later, we are going to be in for months of repeats at this rate.

Whish is why i feel for you American viewers half the time. Canada JUST started airing Battle Frontier episode at the start of September, then went back to the League, and now airs the Battle (factory?The first one) episodes again. But if there's 4 episodes gwan on during just one week, Battle Frontier will end VERY soon, and yall be in a long spell of reruns.

Hopefully, the D/P dub saga will start by next fall.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
If they are pushing out all the episodes by January, then wouldn't that mean that if D/P come out in March-ish, we'd only get two months maximum of repeats, because they're obviously going to start D/P when the games come out in the states.
That means nothing. AG didn't start until over six months after RS's release.


Well-Known Member
Hehe. That means that, if YTV continues to air episodes like this, we should be getting the BF series roughly 3 weeks for you guys. This means that YTV is a little smarter in airing episodes(at least by my knowledge, they completely blanked out July of pokemon episodes, then continuing in August.). That's if we get Battle Frontier, which i really hope we do.



Thank you, SPPf! :)
But AG was part of the next season, nevertheless. New seasons have never started before late August/September. Sure, Season 9 will take us into the first 4 or 5 episodes of DP, but everything else falls into Season 10's 52-episode run. But hey, if CN wants to air Season 10 earlier than the fall and the episodes are dubbed quickly enough, I wouldn't necessarily be complaining.