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Elite 4


Well-Known Member
In the manga, if i am not mistaken do the elite 4 do something like:
Loreli does voodoo or something. i think i recall hearing this somewhere. pls tell me if im right and what the other elite 4 memeber's "skills" are. Thank you


Loreli - her Jyinks (i have no idea how to spell) can create ice dolls and she can use her lipsticks to make marks. These marks turn into ice handicuffs on the real person. If the doll breaks, the person breaks as well.

Agatha - Mind control (Controlled Bruno). Also can disappear into shadows.

Bruno - His pokeballs are connected into this chain thingy, allowing him to send out his pokemon faster.

Lance - Healing, telepathy. Basically an evil version of Yellow.

Evil elite 4 pwns.


Well-Known Member
...no insult? any way thanks. though i think bruno could have had a cooler skill, his is really lame. thanks though. i geuss this could be closed. unless there is anyone who wants a manga elite 4 discussion thread.

and i didnt know yellow had telepathy...unless thats just a Lance thing, i knew she healed.


Yellow was able to communicate with Pikachu perfectly. So can Lance with his Aerodactyl.

And about the insult part, No, I dont just go around make people miserable. I have a life too, believe it or not.


Yes... he's a boxing champion or sumthing like that.

O, and should I mention that Agatha can do this thing that makes your mind hurts really bad? (i forgot which part it was in, i think somewhere in G/S/C).
O-o. On one hand, it's been shown that Lorelei turned good [FRLG] and Bruno was actually good, but his mind was controlled by Agatha. Agatha used to be good, and actually friends with Professor Oak. And all. Lance turned good or something.

De HotShot Mon

Smack Down time
What happened to Agatha after the Yellow series?


Well-Known Member
The elite for were not evil as such just misguided.
They felt that to many pokemon were suffering beacuse of mankind so they decided to try to use Lugia's power to destroy humans and create a perfect world for pokemon.
Yellow and pika tryed to attack Lugia but it did'nt seem to work however Lugia did'nt want to destroy Kanto and converted the energy into life force


Well-Known Member
Very evil. Like, "we-want-to-wipe-out-humanity" evil. Evil with a capital E...and a capital VIL.

They're not that bad... I think it's just that there views got a bit warped along the line and they started to see different (i.e. nasty) ways to make the world a "better" place.

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
They're not that bad... I think it's just that there views got a bit warped along the line and they started to see different (i.e. nasty) ways to make the world a "better" place.

Killing hundreds of thousands of people isn't that bad?

Just because you have 'good intentions' doesn't make what you do right. The Nazi party were, in theory, out to change the world for the better, it didn't justify their actions then and it doesn't justify Lance's actions now.


Killing hundreds of thousands of people isn't that bad?

Just because you have 'good intentions' doesn't make what you do right. The Nazi party were, in theory, out to change the world for the better, it didn't justify their actions then and it doesn't justify Lance's actions now.


Well said, my friend.

This world is full of idiots with "good intentions" (these goals usually only benefit themselves), yet in the end, they are the people who screw things up.

Also, everyone except Agatha (who disappeared) turned... from a badass to goodass in G/S/C.


Pokemon Trainer
The Evil Elite Four Rules I wonder why they not evil in the Anime verison

Evil Elite Four PWNS Anime Elite Four


Well-Known Member
Killing hundreds of thousands of people isn't that bad?

Just because you have 'good intentions' doesn't make what you do right.

I know this, but I was pointing out that their goals may have been justified to being with... but somewhere alone the line things got twisted and became unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Continuing on discussing the Elite Four...
I honestly have no clue as to where the Lorelei's voodoo dolls thingy comes from. I mean, it just seems so totally random that she can do dolls and freeze people without getting her Pokemon to Ice Beam them.