Very evil. Like, "we-want-to-wipe-out-humanity" evil. Evil with a capital E...and a capital VIL.
They're not that bad... I think it's just that there views got a bit warped along the line and they started to see different (i.e. nasty) ways to make the world a "better" place.
Killing hundreds of thousands of people isn't that bad?
Just because you have 'good intentions' doesn't make what you do right. The Nazi party were, in theory, out to change the world for the better, it didn't justify their actions then and it doesn't justify Lance's actions now.
Killing hundreds of thousands of people isn't that bad?
Just because you have 'good intentions' doesn't make what you do right.
Correction, she doesn't freeze people. Her pokemon make frozen voodoo dolls of a person.