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~Elite Four Ryou...Sugimori style~


Gizmomancer supreme
It's been a long time since I've attempted humans...


It's my first attempt at Sugimori style~ But the face doesn't look to Sugimori-like because I mixed it with my own style :D. The shading for the shirt and the shoes may also be off...and there may be many other mistakes :(.

Give your comments and crits!


Salingerian Phony
That's completely awesome! Aside from the relatively straighter lines, it would look indistinguishable from Sugimori. (From what I've noticed, everything Sugimori draws feels more organic.)

Too bad the Bug-type guy isn't a kid...but at least the type is back.


Ooh, maaaan!
Whoa-ho! You actually pulled Sugimori off. I swear you're the first guy on this site to ever do that, man, this is rad. :D