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Elite Four Stories: Blacks untold drama.


Well-Known Member
well the title tell's most of what it's about. so tell me what you thank.


credit: http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1825/creditol1.png

comic1: http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/2909/1comicoy6.png
comic2: http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/3638/2comicev2.png
comic3: http://img378.imageshack.us/img378/5530/3comicgu2.png
comic4: http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/4002/4comiceb2.png
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Born This Way
Just make it a lot longer. Maybe between 8-10 panels. It does look like it is already going to be interesting. I bet it shows how hard it is to become an Elite 4!!!


Pokemon Battler
Just make it a lot longer. Maybe between 8-10 panels. It does look like it is already going to be interesting. I bet it shows how hard it is to become an Elite 4!!!

Thats what you foresee?! Heh I thought it was about him BEING an Elite 4...


Well-Known Member
well your both rightish (I know I said rightish). it show's how hard it is to stay beging a elite four member not to become. and as for the frames I'll put three more on the next comic.
um, the eyes look a little weird when he's staring at the car, and in some panels the walking looks funny, but the story is good, and so is everything else...

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
What is the car thingy?

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
The "car thingy" is ermmmm a car thingy!

Very good i will keep an eye on this place

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
It seems pretty funny by now
You had a little grammar error: On the 1st Comic, it is "You´re" not "Your"
Also, I´m pretty sure Eevee can´t learn Teleport


Well-Known Member
there's goning to be a storie about that later that show's why his can.


Well-Known Member
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