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Elite Four



Anyone realise that the RBY elite four are not challenging except for their levels? Lorelei's Slowbro's only offensive attack is Water Gun. WATER GUN. Isn't there a Blizzard TM in RBY?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
The difference is in RBY your pokemon are all well trained by the time you get to the Elite 4. What with pokemon levels increasing in a balance way through out the game. Compare it to GSC.

You are outside the 7th Gym. In RBY, It is Blaine, and in Cinnibar mansion you face level 35-45 pokemon. In GSC it is Pryce, and in the grass around Lake of Rage you face level 15-20 pokemon. Clearly, you don't get things leveled up as fast in GSC, so the E4 are harder. Plus with Psychics being so powerful in RBY, two of the Elite Four are just minor things to pass when you have a Psychic user to whizz through them.


Fair point. But then, the Pokemon Lorelei has in RBY could really use some toughening up. In FRLG, she's way tougher, but because of the new movesets they are two completel different matters.

dark scyther

wakaluka said:
Fair point. But then, the Pokemon Lorelei has in RBY could really use some toughening up. In FRLG, she's way tougher, but because of the new movesets they are two completel different matters.
FR and LF just have more moves,its harder to pull off any strategy without many moves still the E4 tried to pull off some combos like Mega Drain + Substitute which didnt work,also FRLG doesnt have nothing to do with RBY only the story

Magma Instinct

To this day, I still HATE Lances charizards, nerve of that guy copying me O_0

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Lance doesn't have a Charizard. He has Gyarados, Dragonair, Dragonair, Aerodactyl, and a Dragonite with Barrier. Charizard was a Metallic addition.


Normal Coordinator
Hmmm, they were definetly challenging back when I was eight, but definetly not now. I do remember, however, after playing GSC, going back and playing RB and having one of Loreli's pokemon K/O my Charizard with Ice Beam, because the type matchups didn't exist yet.


Eh? Yeah. True. But back in the days of R/B/Y the game was way different.


breathe, spit, walk
Personally I like both generations.

As for the elite four, I never have decent training (my pokemon are levels 45-50) and I can always beat them quickly.

In GSC it's a bit harder, but still doable.

In RSE, well never done that. In FR/LG it's a lot harder.

(god someone should poke me to complete a 3rd gen game xD)

That's why I love RBY: the glitches make the balance somewhat different and therefore the game somewhat harder and different to play. :)

Also in RBY you could still beat the e4 easily with 6 UU/NU Pokemon. Unthinkable in FR/LG unless you're at least level 60.


FR and LF just have more moves,its harder to pull off any strategy without many moves still the E4 tried to pull off some combos like Mega Drain + Substitute which didnt work,also FRLG doesnt have nothing to do with RBY only the story

Which Pokemon tried the Mega Drain + Substitute combo?

Recently, I studied the movesets of RBY Elite Four Pokemon using 6 lvl 65 Dittoes, and I found that the Pokemon the E4 members don't have limits: Lance's Dragonite does have five moves. Also, his Dragonairs never have to recharge after using Hyper Beam. Way unfair!

In FR/LG it's a lot harder.

It's way harder. Partly because of the larger movepool, and partly because the designers thought it was time to make the games more challenging.

Check out the two movesets for Agatha's Gengar in both versions:
RBY: Lick, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Night Shade
FRLG: Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Double Team, Shadow Punch (I think, I forgot the last attack.)


Lance's Dragonite seriously has five moves? I'll have to use Mimic and find out myself...
In lg/fr Gengar has Nightmare too.


Orange Champion
The games were pretty challenging back then when I was around eight, but when I played through LG, I had little difficulties beating them with a level 50 team. But I'm pretty sure that they were somewhat well balanced anyway.

Dragonite has 5 moves? Maybe I'll play through the game to find out, but I'm sure I heard that somewhere.


The moves of R/B sucks on E4, that's ture. But on Y that changes!
The reason is because R/B sucks a lot. Like someone said, Pokemon was beginning to walk and had SO much problems, like those.
Lorelai's Slowbro that had just Growl, Water Gun, Withdraw and Amnesia on R/B(yeap, last 4 moves 'til learns Psychic on 55) gains Surf and Psychic on Y!
Caught the logic? ^^


Well-Known Member
wakaluka said:
Anyone realise that the RBY elite four are not challenging except for their levels? Lorelei's Slowbro's only offensive attack is Water Gun. WATER GUN. Isn't there a Blizzard TM in RBY?
You must be mental. In yellow the pokemon are all strategetically taught moves. Maybe not much, but I clearly remember slobro had surf in yellow.

Flame Sabre

What I find annoying is that many people claim R/B/Y was the hardest generation when in reality I found R/S more difficult.

Beating the E4 in R/B/Y is a walk in the park (maybe because of the higher levelled Pokemon you have). But I couldn't beat the E4 with an entire team of Level 50+ Pokemon in R/S. I had to resort to a Groudon. Shameful. :X

And possessing a Psychic in R/B/Y just makes things easier. :p