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I have had one pokemon game from each generation at least but in any of then i have never see a shiny at all this is so annoying because it seems like everyone else has one
Heck,Iv seen 8,000+ spindas (while ev training) and never seen a shiny,but the hardest i think to get was shiny larvitar,its rare,so you can just resort to hatching eggs,but it takes a while AND the steps to hatch a larvitar egg takes a long time
I have had one pokemon game from each generation at least but in any of then i have never see a shiny at all this is so annoying because it seems like everyone else has one
What about the Red Gyarados from G/S/C? OK, that doesn't count but if you have no shinies how come there's a shiny Bulbasaur on your sig? I hate when people fake that they have shinies. I have a shiny Crobat (really).
The chances of getting a shiny are 1 in 8,192. Happy Hunting! BWAHAHAHAA!!!
been playing all pokemon games since I was 4 .... thats 8 yrs..... had 349 hours on my gold, and am hunting in fire red...... still no luck (not including egg hatches and red gyrados)
In my friends game i caught a shiny psyduck in safari zone, but the game was restarted by mistake.
In my LG i recently found a shiny seel in seafoam islands, it was even the first seel i saw on that LG.
I'm going to softreset for a shiny beldum as soon as possible.
Shiny metagross ROCKS!