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Emerald Help

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Angels Amoonguss
Is Volbeat available in Emerald version? I looked at the main sight and it said they are rare on route 17, but I've searched for TWO DAYS straight and have had no luck. Is SPPF mistaken, on does "rare" mean REALLY, REALLY rare?


« Awesome Growlithe!
you cant breed illumise to get volbeat!
its very rare!
but dont waste your time and breed!


Angels Amoonguss
Really? All I have to do is mate my Illumise with something and if th egg is male its a Volbeat? But I thought its always the female of the two that the egg comes out as what the female was, making the egg pokemon only able to be an Illumise female. Anyways, its worth a shot, and Ill take any help I can get.


I said, Bring It ON!


I am the game
Volbeats are very common on my emerald.


um, and stuff
Yeah so they are not that rare in Emerald you just have to breed Illumise
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The new tuxedo look!
Breed it or trade it from sapphire, as I did.;)


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Please, PLEASE don't post if you don't know. ;_; Then a thread gets filled with people fighting about an answer.

If you breed Illumise with any other male (or Ditto) it can breed with, there is a 50% chance of getting a Volbeat egg instead of an Illumise egg. This is the same as Nidoran (F) and Nidoran (M).

Since you now have a Volbeat and your question's been answered...

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