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emerald i.d. no.


were not open anymor
sorry if this is spam but i want to know everyones id number...
everyone post you id number and see if anyone has same id number!!!!

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I restart my games often, so i have a number of ID numbers.

Besides, how many peole remember their ID no., and how many will turn on their games to check?





I was astonished, but indeed, I am leeto.


Well-Known Member
Emerald #34353
Leaf Green #66652

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
In Ruby: 03258
In Leaf Green: 46340
In Emerald: 57912
At the moment, I don't feel like popping in my FR and Sapphire to see, but since Emerald's already in, its #35954


Well-Known Member
steal your identity.... my saphire ID# is 37418