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Emerald Link up to Pokemon Channel?


I was wondering if it was possible to link up Emerald to pokemon channel to download Jirachi or will i need a copy of Ruby/Sapphire to do so?



Powerplay Champion
you get jirachi from the colosseum bonus disc, and you need ruby and saphire for that...
i haven't heard that pokemon box has jirachi before.


Well-Known Member
Pokemon Channel and Box are two different things, and for Collosseum I believe it can be any of the games...

But anyways, I think you can use Emerald.


oblivion weilder
id say no as channel and box were made around the same time and box doesn't take anything except r/s


Well-Known Member
Channel only works with Ruby and Sapphire. I have it I should know.

Downloaded another Brave Jirachi yesterday, it's so hard to get a good nature..


Well-Known Member
dam the long downloading cutscene

Actually, restarting my Ruby game and having to beat the Elite Four to be able to download another Jirachi is more the problem.