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Emerald questions

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Ok i have a few questions about Pokemon emerald

1. How do u get to Navel rock and how do u get the Mystic ticket?
2. How do u get to Faraway island and what is the special ticket you need?
3. How do u get to new mauville? i know its by route 110.

Thanks for your help!

Edit: this is in pokemon emerald


Staff member
Words120 said:
Ok i have a few questions about Pokemon emerald

1. How do u get to Navel rock and how do u get the Mystic ticket?
2. How do u get to Faraway island and what is the special ticket you need?
3. How do u get to new mauville? i know its by route 110.

Thanks for your help!

Edit: this is in pokemon emerald
1.You need to go to a Nintendo Event in real life and download it.
2.Same thing, you need to go to a Nintendo Event. The ticket you need is the Old Sea Chart, I think.
3.You need to beat the 5th Gym Leader (Norman, AKA your dad), and talk to Wattson (he's outside of his gym in the middle of the town) and he will give you the key. Now, surf in the water and it will there will be a cave. That's it.

Hope I helped.


Chaos Emerald said:
1.You need to go to a Nintendo Event in real life and download it.
2.Same thing, you need to go to a Nintendo Event. The ticket you need is the Old Sea Chart, I think.
3.You need to beat the 5th Gym Leader (Norman, AKA your dad), and talk to Wattson (he's outside of his gym in the middle of the town) and he will give you the key. Now, surf in the water and it will there will be a cave. That's it.

Hope I helped.

Thanks for your help but where do u have to surf from? i talked to him and i had the key i just needed to know where u have to surf from. Thanks for your help!
(Sorry for posting this in the wrong section)

EDIT: Never mind i just found the cave a minute after i made this repost lol
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Busy at the moment
If you can't go to the event/s/didn't go, can mixing records get you anything?


Matt the Drat
Torkie10, please don't bump threads that are passed 1 month old.

Anyway this thread is old, and it will be closed.

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