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emerald team final look


so adorable...
yep im back with my final emerald team so here it is.

blaziken@lum berry
-fire blast
-sky uppercut
-swords dance
-rock slide

salamence@choice band
lax (not the best nature but i cant be bothered to rebreed and stuff)
-fire blast
-rock slide
-fly (not the best move but it would be useful in game)

-focus punch
-needle arm

??? (havent caught yet)
-ice beam
-calm mind

-ice beam
-explosion (as otherwise i wouldnt be able to get rest on one of my other tanks)

-will o wisp
-shadow ball
-seismic toss

not the best natures for some of them i know but please rate anyway thanks a lot

ps.do you think my any of my team would do well at battle frontier level 100?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Blaziken needs lefties more instead of Lum Berry. It's the special sweepers that usually don't like being statused.

AA > Fly in all cases for mence, but since the AI never switches, I suppose it could be an option. Shame you got Lax though, since it really is worth spending all that time for Adamant nature.

Brave Nature
- Sub
- Focus Punch
- T-Punch
- Leech Seed

I'd hesitate to say, SkarmBliss counter.

CalmCune likes Bold nature. So does Regice. Explosion isn't going to be doing much damage with its base 50 Atk anyway, so try to pickup another Rest TM with a Linoone. It really needs that Rest TM. T-Wave is an option over Toxic.

Dusclops likes Careful more. Pain Split works well with his low HP if you could get it, but Rest is fine as well.

Personally I'd pick CBmence as my physical sweeper, CalmCune as my status absorber / bulky water, and Regice as the special attacker / special wall. Though in that case, you might want to watch out for boltbeamers, anything that uses rock attacks, especially Heracross since it has an above average Spec. Def to survive Suicune's Surfs.


so adorable...
oh yeh i am losing out on the special attacking side, arent I? i could switch cacturne out for something like gardevoir but i really like cacturne. =P. could it be used as a special sweeper?

-needle arm
-thunder punch
-faint attack
-leech seed/substitute

although i do prefer the subpunching set this could still be used

oh yes do you reckon i should post my ivs?

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
It would be helpful: or do you mean EVs?


so adorable...
i mean ivs i dont do EV training

blaziken lv 48 ;i think serebiis iv calculator is wrong.
hp 25
atk 31
def 31
sp.atk 31
sp.def 31
spd 31

cacturne lv 44
hp 23
atk 31
def 16
sp.atk 30
sp.def 31
spd 31

regice lv 48
hp 25
atk 22
def 10
sp.atk 29
sp.def 6
spd 22

bagon lv 26
hp 8
atk 22
def 21
sp.atk 18
sp. def 27
speed 2

dusclops lv 45
hp 15
atk 30
def 17
sp.atk 10
sp.def 10
speed 11

thats all i got for now as i dont have suicine yet

so if serebiis calculator is right though i have a near perfect blaziken?



If you don’t do EVs, then why bother with IVs? IVs and EVs go hand in hand.

Also, I think it’s highly unlikely that your Blaziken has perfect IVs. It means that you put EVs in all of its stats and you didn’t type them in before calculating your IVs, so the calculator assumes your Blaziken has 0 EVs, making it seem stronger than usual.


so adorable...
oh yeh. but i forgot what ive trained it on so i cant put evs in there anyway. sniffle, and there was me thinking i had a near pefect blaziken. ah how idiotic.



@Aldred Fellblade: Pain Split and Focus Punch are options over Rest and Seismic Toss, respectively.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i like pain split over rest too as its hp is so low. Focus punch isnt the greatest ingame even in the bf as the AI is so unpredictable.



RestTalk Dusclops is quite useful though. Absorbs Sleep and doesn’t have to worry about Toxic/Burn.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Roar isn't that useful ingame.