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emerald team


so adorable...
so so far my team is as follows

-over heat
-sky uppercut
-rock slide
-bulk up

-needle arm
-focus punch

-ice beam

-meteor mash
-shadow ball/explosion/sludge bomb

-seismic toss
-will o wisp
-shadow ball

-ice beam
-calm mind
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Suicune rocks. One of the best bulky Waters out there.

Suicune @Leftovers
Bold Nature
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind

Also, Rock Slide for Metagross, Shadow Ball and Careful for Dusclops, and Needle Arm for Cacturne.


so adorable...
also do i need any specific requirements to get suicine? like beating the powered up elite 4 or 100 pokemon or soemthing?


so adorable...
oh ok thanks, but ive used 70 max repels in route seven and i still cant find it. do you have to switch route or can you enter a building?


Well-Known Member
have you seen it yet or not? If you've seen it it's easier- just go in and out of route and check the dex each time til its in your area. I dunno if buildings work, but i would use route changing just to make sure.
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so adorable...
havent seen it yet but im still trying, and do any of the pokemon i have rest on learn it naturally? because i only got 2 rest tms.


so adorable...
or restart leafgreen after i traded my team and other pokes to emerald then get another rest but i will use pick up with 6 linoones